McLean County Transportation Committee met June 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present: Chairman William Caisley Members Randall Martin, Logan Smith, Elizabeth Johnston, Shayna Watchinski and Gerald Thompson
Members Absent: Member Josh Barnett
Other Members Present: None
Staff Members Present: Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator, Mr. Eric Schmitt, Assistant County Administrator, Mr. Trevor Sierra
Assistant State’s Attorney Civil Division, Ms. Julie Morlock,
Recording Secretary
Department Heads Present: Mr. Jerry Stokes, County Engineer,
Others Present: Mr. Luke Hohulin, Assistant County Engineer
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Caisley at 8:00 a.m. and he declared a quorum.
Chairman Caisley presented the May 7, 2019 meeting minutes for review and approval.
Motion by Johnston/Watchinski to approve the May 7, 2019 regular meeting minutes as amended.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Caisley presented the bills for review and approval in the amount of $1,515,443.86. Mr. Martin asked about an amount under schooling and conferences. Mr. Stokes indicated that was for CPR training for employees. Mr. Stokes indicated they did get quotes and that was the lowest amount. Ms. Rodriguez stated that the Highway Department had also contacted the Health Department about training, but currently does not offer those services. She indicated that the Health Department was looking into becoming licensed to provide this training as they felt it would be beneficial for many departments the County. Mr. Caisley asked about expenditures to Metal Culverts Inc. as he thought contract had gone to Engineer Solutions. Mr. Stokes indicated that Engineer Solutions was plastic piping and Metal Culverts bid on the metal culverts and won that bid.
Motion by Smith/Johnston to recommend payment of bills as submitted by the County Auditor in the amount of $1,515,443.86.
Motion carried.
Chairman Caisley confirmed no appearances by members of the public or employees.
Chairman Caisley presented for action a Resolution for May 28, 2019 Construction Letting. Mr. Stokes went over the project.
Motion by Johnston/Martin to recommend approval of a Resolution for May 28, 2019 Construction Letting.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Caisley presented for action a request to approve a Bridge Construction Petition for Joint Culvert Replacement #2, Bellflower Road District. Mr. Stokes indicated this was a second project for the Bellflower Road District where the road is narrow and some issues are developing with the bridge. Mr. Caisley asked if culvert would be extended on both sides. Mr. Hohulin indicated it would be a full replacement that will be brand new pipe that does extend farther on both sides.
Motion by Watchinski/Thompson to recommend approval of a Bridge Construction Petition for Joint Culvert Replacement #2, Bellflower Road District.
Motion carried.
Chairman Caisley presented for action a Motor Fuel Tax Resolution and Matching Tax Resolution for Gridley Road – Section 18-00161-06-RS. Mr. Stokes indicated they are trying to get this project done this year, but when they went out to look at the project they realized they had to do some repairs to the curb IDOT needed an environmental survey and they needed additional permits with IDOT that may delay the process. He indicated this would get them started on the design work. Ms. Johnston asked if this covered the permitting or environmental work. Mr. Stokes indicated this section is in an IDOT right of way and so IDOT would take care of the environmental permitting. He indicated this request would replace the curb, add some inlets to accommodate drainage and cover the design work.
Motion by Johnston/Thompson to recommend approval of a Motor Fuel Tax Resolution and Matching Tax Resolution for Gridley Road – Section 18- 00161-06-RS.
Motion carried.
Chairman Caisley indicated there were no new hires at the Highway Department.
Mr. Stokes went over project summaries for Covell Road and Stringtown Road. He indicated Covell Road should be done this week; and while Stringtown had been delayed because of water until railroad underpass, it is close to being done. He stated that he figures both will probably come in under the bid. He also discussed a box culvert project currently between Hudson and Normal.
Mr. Stokes pointed out that information on storm water education program was in the Committee packet.
Chairman Caisley stated that next on the agenda was discussion of the annual field trip. Mr. Stokes indicated they could go in either July or August. Chairman Caisley asked the Committee their preference and it was decided they would take the tour in August.
Chairman Caisley asked if there was any other business to come before the Committee. Mr. Stokes indicated that on June 19th at 5:30 they would have a public meeting at the David Davis Lodge to provide information on the timing and scope of the Money Creek Bridge project. Mr. Stokes also indicated that another project had recently come forward from Lawndale where they had to close a road and bridge because it had become undermined due to all of the rain. Mr. Stokes showed pictures, explained the issues with the road, and indicated they would be use sheet piling to assist with this project. He said he moved the letting date up so they could get information to a Stand-up for approval and start the project. Mr. Thompson asked him to further explain sheet pilling and how it would be utilized. Mr. Stokes showed a previous project and how sheet piling was used in a similar manner as what they proposed for this project.
Chairman Caisley asked if there was anything else to come before the Committee; hearing nothing, he adjourned the meeting at 8:21 a.m.