McLean County Property Committee met July 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present: Vice Chairman, Josh Barnett, Members, Jacob Beard, Logan Smith, Gerald Thompson
Members Absent: Members Lyndsay Bloomfield and Elizabeth Johnston
Other Members
Present: Susan Schafer; Jim Soeldner
Staff Present: Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator; Eric Schmitt, Assistant
County Administrator; Jessica Woods, First Assistant State’s Attorney
– Civil Division; and Ms. Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary;
Department Heads/
Elected Officials Present: None
Others Present: None
Vice Chairman Barnett called the meeting to order and declared a quorum.
Vice Chairman Barnett presented the minutes from the May 2, 2019 regular meeting of the
Property Committee for approval.
Motion by Beard/Smith to approve the May 2, 2019 regular meeting
minutes of the Property Committee.
Motion carried.
Vice Chairman Barnett confirmed there were no appearances by members of the public.
Vice Chairman Barnett presented for discussion a request for an RFP for remodeling, construction and improvements at the Nursing Home. He provided a history for new members including that Chairman McIntyre had put together a blue ribbon panel to provide suggestions on way to improve nursing home operations. Mr. Barnett indicated one of the recommendations was improvements to the entrance of the nursing home and he had indicated to Ms. Rodriguez wanting to see what the current five year plan included and how this might factor into that plan. Ms. Rodriguez indicated she attended a blue ribbon panel meeting where status of capital improvements and other operational suggestions were discussed. She stated that the Nursing Home continues to experience losses and the physical aspect of the nursing home is important to the ability to draw families and residents to the facility. Ms. Rodriguez indicated Staff would be focusing more on the billing and receivables and operations because no matter how much we change the outward appearance it will not have an impact on the long term success of the nursing home if operations are not in order. She stated that some capital improvements and operations tie together such as diversifying services such as adding a rehabilitation wing and needing an over-hang so when individuals are dropped off for those services they are not in the weather. Mr. Barnett asked Ms. Schafer to share thoughts. Ms. Schafer indicated the Blue Ribbon Panel had short term, mid-term and long-term goals for improving operations of nursing home ad one of the short-term goal was to update the entry to the nursing home. She indicated that another suggestion was increase of rehabilitation services and putting it in a separate wing with a separate entrance. She stated that the RFP process is a longer process, so they would like to see it started soon. Ms. Schafer stated that the nursing home has the funds so would not come out of the general fund.
Mr. Barnett reminded the Committee that they were not taking action today. Mr. Beard asked them to confirm these would be part of the five-capital improvement plan. Mr. Schmitt confirmed that many items are included in their budget and five year capital plan. He indicated they are also looking to determine long term functionality of the building. He reminded the Committee that another consideration will be phasing in projects because there are people in residence 24 hours a day seven days a week. Ms. Schafer indicated that they are also looking at rebranding, so we want to look different when we change the name. Mr. Smith asked about signage. Ms. Schafer indicated that would be part of the branding plan. Mr. Beard asked them to confirm that funds would come out of the Enterprise Fund. Ms. Schafer confirmed. Mr. Barnett asked Mr. Schmitt if they could see a document with a time line and approximate cost for projects. Mr. Schmitt indicated Staff would be developing that over next several months. Mr. Thompson asked about taking a tour of the nursing home. Ms. Schafer indicated that the Health Committee would be meeting at the Nursing Home in August. Staff indicated that they could hold property committee meeting at the facility. Mr. Soeldner asked them if they would be considering updates to current facility such as updated HVAC or plumbing. Mr. Schmitt indicated they are looking at a building that is more than 40 years old and they do need to update the plumbing, so that is being discussed in the cost and phasing of other projects. Mr. Soeldner asked if the Enterprise Fund could issue bonds. Mr. Schmitt indicated he felt they could do that. Mr. Barnett asked if there were other questions. Mr. Thompson asked them if they wanted to meet at the nursing home next month. It was confirmed meeting in August would be at the Nursing Home.
Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator, presented for information replacement of the elevators at 200 W. Front St. Ms. Rodriguez indicated one of the elevators at 200 W. Front St. has not been operable for several months and now the second elevator will sometimes be inoperable which leads to issues making sure everyone have access to appointments in the five-floor building. Mr. Schmitt indicated we have previously utilized a no interest loan from the Public Building Commission to cover these types of expenses. He stated they have included payments for such a loan in the Facilities budget for 200 W. Front Street. Mr. Schmitt stated there is a contract through US Communities, a nationwide group purchasing organization, and we can use that contract with favorable the terms and conditions and labor rates to lower the price. He stated Staff would bring back a loan agreement with PBC next month. Mr. Thompson asked how much this would cost. Mr. Schmitt indicated $435,000 - $450,000. Mr. Thompson asked if that cost was for both and if we needed both. Mr. Schmitt confirmed it was for both and we needed both and provided example where when one is down there is another option in the building. Mr. Barnett asked if more energy efficient lighting could be installed during this project. Mr. Schmitt indicated we will have to replace different electrical components and will also bring smoke and fire controls up to date through this contract.
Ms. Rodriguez indicated that one position was filled under the purview of the Property Committee.
Vice Chairman Barnett asked if there was any other business. Mr. Beard indicated that after the Land Use and Development Committee meeting there was discussion about having discussions with Michael Brown of the Ecology Action Center on ways the County could become more energy efficient. Mr. Soeldner indicated that we need to keep in mind that any expenses would need to be included in budget discussions.
Vice Chairman Barnett presented the bills from the Auditor in the amount of $1,458.080.30.
Motion by Smith/Thompson to approve payments of bills from the Auditor in the amount of $1,458,080.30.
Motion Carried
Vice Chairman Barnett indicated they would postpone tour listed on the Agenda.
Vice Chairman Barnett asked if there was any other business to come before the Committee; hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 4:04 p.m.