
McLean County Times

Monday, January 27, 2025

Olympia Community Unit School District 16 Board of Education met June 10

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Olympia Community Unit School District 16 Board of Education met June 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance

The Board of Education of the Olympia CUSD #16 was called to order by President Kevin Frazier at 7:17 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Olympia Administration Office with the following Board Members and Administrators present: Kevin Frazier, Carolyn Hansen, Trena Glenn, Steve Matter, Shawn Hohulin, and Lynn Cross; Superintendent Dr. Andrew S. Wise, and Assistant Superintendent Laura O’Donnell.

Board Member Doug Maris was absent, but participated by phone.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Frazier.

Recognition of Visitors

President Frazier welcomed all visitors and asked them to introduce themselves. Visitors included Director of Student Services Andy Walsh, Olympia Education Association representative Kate Berry, Network Technology Director candidate Joe Salzer, Instructional Technology Director candidate Sean Mullins, and Payroll/HR Administrative Assistant candidate Shelby Batterton.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Kevin Frazier, to approve the Consent Agenda that included:

A.Approval of Agenda

B.Approval of Minutes, including Executive Session Minutes, from the May 13, 2019 regular scheduled Board of Education Meeting

C.Approval of Bills and Financial Reports

D.Approval of the following resignations:

1.Jamie Benjamin – OHS Science Teacher effective at the end of the 2018-2019 school year

2.Sarah Abel – 5th Grade Teacher at Olympia West Elementary effective at the end of the 2018-2019 school year

3.Matthew McElheny – OHS Assistant Football Coach effective May 29, 2019

4.Austin Brummett – OHS Assistant Football Coach effective May 30, 2019

5.Christy Kelson – Payroll/HR Administrative Assistant effective June 30, 2019

E.Approval of the Intent to Retire of David Stine – OHS Math Teacher effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year, pending all qualifications have been met

F.Approval of the Intent to Retire of Rita Park – 4th Grade Teacher at Olympia North Elementary effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year, pending all qualifications have been met

G.Approval of the employment of the following licensed teachers effective for the 2019-2020 school year:

1.Sarah Brown – OHS Business

2.William Coyle – OHS Science

3.Lauren Guttschow – OMS Art

4.Courtney Hannemann – Olympia South Elementary Kindergarten

H.Approval of the employment of the following Education Support Personnel:

1.Fred Martin – Bus Driver effective for the 2019-2020 school year

2.Shelby Batterton – Payroll/HR Administrative Assistant effective July 1, 2019

I.Approval of the following New Teacher Mentors effective for the 2019-2020 school year:

1.Haley Pack for Sarah Brown – OHS Business

2.Amity Westphalen for William Coyle – OHS Science

J.Approval of the following Grade Level Chairs effective for the 2019-2020 school year:

1.Amanda Richards – PreK

2.Stacy Goeke – Kindergarten

3.Sophia Estes – 1st Grade

4.Tara Loyer – 2nd Grade

5.Becky Westerfield – 3rd Grade

6.Angie Swartzendruber – 4th Grade

7.Stevie Miller – 5th Grade

8.Heather Schwarting – 6th Grade

9.Tami Geurts – 7th Grade

10.Jen Love – 8th Grade

K.Approval of the following OHS Department Chairs effective for the 2019-2020 school year:

1.Connie Schroeder – Vocational

2.Rebecca Meissner – Language Arts

3.Angie Davis – Math

4.Mike Neisler – Physical Education

5.Kate Berry – Social Studies

6.Brandi Cooper – Science

7.Abigail Lies – Special Education

8.Lisa Steve – Counseling

L.Approval of an increase in hours for Christine Delahunt – OHS Cafeteria Personnel, from 5.0 hours per day to 5.5 hours per day effective for the 2019-2020 school year

M.Approval of the employment of the following Cafeteria Personnel effective for the 2019-2020 school year: Cindy Burmaster and Nicole Littlefield

N.Approval of the employment of the following extra-curricular Coaches/Sponsors effective for the 2019-2020 school year:

1.Alex Castillo – OHS Boys’ & Girls’ JV Soccer Coach

2.Eric Lyons – OHS Winter/Spring Strength & Conditioning Supervisor

3.Haylie Langley Noltensmeier – OHS Football & Basketball Cheer Coach

4.Trevor Oldham – OHS Chess Coach & OHS Assistant Track Coach

5.Natalie Springer – OMS Assistant Drama Coach

6.Sarah Brown – OHS Musical Tech Director

7.Matt Modrusic & Sarah Brown (split stipend) – OHS Blue Crew

8.Kristopher Ketelsen – OHS Play Tech Director

O.Approval of the restructured Extra-Curricular positions and the employment of Coaches/Sponsors for those positions

P.Approval of the following Volunteers for the OHS Football program effective for the 2019-2020 school year: Justin Slager and Justin Danyus

Q.Approval of a 30-minute per day decrease in hours for the following Transportation Personnel effective for the 2019-2020 school year: Tammy Bukowski, Phil Crassi, Karen Henderson, John Horrer, Dawn Jones, Karen Lacefield, Trudy Marsee, Samantha Meridith, Robert Phillips, Nicole Robbins, Stan Robb, Barb Seabourne, LaDonna Simpson, Kate Sledge, Joe Sledge, Diana Tackett, and Stan Marsee

R.Approval of Early Graduation for the following OHS eligible students effective at the end of the first 2019-2020 semester pending all qualifications have been met: Hannah Casey, Kelena Herrin, Jaclyn Judge, Anna Kaeb, Isabelle Rogers, and Kurston Southerland

S.Approval of writing for 100% of IDEA Flow Through Part B & Preschool Grants, and 100% of the FY20 Consolidated District Plan

T.Approval of posting all District contracts over $25,000 on the District’s website

U.Approval of the 2018-2019 District Donations

V.Approval of the updated 2019-2020 Risk Management Plan

W.Approval of an overnight trip for the OHS Cross Country Team to participate in the annual Cross Country Retreat at Sullivan, IL July 16-18, 2019

X.Approval of the use of the OHMS facilities for JFL from August 2019 to November 2019

Y.Approval of the Matthew’s Lending Library program, created with donations from the family of Matthew Warren, for Olympia South Elementary

Z.Approval to keep Executive Session Minutes closed from January 2019 through June 2019, and to destroy any audio recordings of Executive Sessions older than 18 months

AA. Approval of the purchase of a new compressor for the Dectron Unit which controls the

heating/cooling for the OHS pool

BB. Approval of the final 2019-2020 ISBE School Calendar

Discussion. Vote: Hansen (aye), Glenn (aye), Matter (aye), Maris (aye),

Hohulin (aye), Cross (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 7-0.


A Communications Folder circulated around the table.

Committee Reports

There were no Committee reports.

Administrative Reports

Assistant Superintendent Laura O’Donnell announced that the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) teams will be meeting throughout the summer, as well as a representative from each building will be attending training. Potential benefits from PBIS include the following:

•Reduction in problem behavior

•Increase in academic performance

•Increased attendance

•Improved perception of safety

•Improved organizational efficiency

•Reduction in staff turnover

•Increased perception of teacher efficacy

•Reduction in teacher-reported bullying

Mrs. O’Donnell explained how the New Teacher Mentoring program has been improved. The program will now include monthly building meetings and classroom observation of the mentee by the mentor. Mentors will also be required to attend mentor training.

Mrs. O’Donnell announced that the Preschool For All grant has been submitted. If approved, the grant would cover salaries for teachers and paraprofessionals, resources for parent outreach events, curriculum resources, professional development, and the addition of a Family Educator position. The State has indicated that it will be 90 days after the grant submission deadline (June 10) before notification to recipients is received.

Mrs. O’Donnell shared that this year’s Nickel Lease will be used to update classroom management software. 2nd grade iPads will be updated to better meet their needs. The original 2nd grade iPads will be redistributed to 3rd – 5th grade with the capability of communicating with parents via the Seesaw application. 6th graders will receive new Chromebooks. All iPads and Chromebooks will have new cases. Mrs. O’Donnell also shared that as the current Internet filter contract is expiring, research was done to find a filter with additional features including classroom management software. Lightspeed has been selected and will be implemented at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year.

Lastly, Mrs. O’Donnell introduced Sean Mullins as the new Instructional Technology Director and Joe Salzer as the new Network Technology Director. Sean is coming to Olympia with both teaching and technology training experience. Joe is the current Network Systems Specialist for Olympia. Superintendent Andrew Wise shared that he appreciates the Board’s support in the new structure and believes the District and students will experience the benefit.

Superintendent Wise introduced Shelby Batterton as the new Payroll/HR Administrative Assistant. Shelby is an Olympia graduate and is currently working in Payroll/HR for Illinois Oil Marketing Equipment in Pekin. She has a Bachelors in Business Administration.

Superintendent Wise provided Board members with a review of the District’s updated Strategic Plan which included progress being made toward the District’s goals. The District has met or is closing in on indicators inside Goal 1, which is Student Learning, and Goal 2, which is Employee Development. The District is in the middle of a Facility Study, which will address the indicator of Goal 3, Learning Environment. Dr. Wise is hopeful that with a renewed emphasis on Goal 4, Communications, the District will approach those indicators by the end of next school year. It was noted by a Board Member that although accomplishing every goal inside the Strategic Plan is a wonderful thing, we must remember it is a plan, and balance the capacity of the organization in striving for goals. Dr. Wise thanked everyone for the hard work on the plan and said he would share a more in-depth update if requested at the August Board meeting.

Dr. Wise also provided Board members with a look at the new negotiated Contract between the Olympia Education Association and the Board of Education. Several items have been revised or added to benefit both the District and Association members, as well as make Olympia more marketable for future teachers. Dr. Wise thanked the Board and Association for their efforts in reaching a contract agreement which will help students down the road for college and career readiness.

Superintendent Wise shared the FY20 Working Budget with Board members. He noted that expenses are up due to personnel and benefit needs, as well as operational and transportation costs. A portion of the District’s reserves is anticipated to be used to cover overages. Dr. Wise thanked Assistant Superintendent O’Donnell for her effort on writing and submitting a new Pre-K grant application, which the District was forced to write when the State quit funding our program last year. Dr. Wise shared that the District will see more State funding this year if they are awarded grants for which they applied, such as the Pre-K Grant.

Superintendent Wise informed Board members that the District and Employees Health Insurance Premiums will be increasing for the first time in 7 years. Dr. Wise shared that it is rare that an organization has been able to last 7 years without a premium increase. It was noted that the District Insurance Committee has done an exceptional job at providing high quality coverage at low costs.

Superintendent Wise shared that Olympia South Elementary needs learning space to accommodate special needs students, academic groups, and students with social-emotional struggles to meet with the Social Worker. He recommended the Board approve a permit allowing student use of a portable classroom trailer to be used at Olympia South Elementary. The portable classroom has two small group rooms on each side, with a larger room in the middle. The portable is a short-term solution, while the facility study is underway and a long-term solution is determined. The trailer can be returned when it is no longer needed.

Superintendent Wise provided Board members with the latest IASB School Board Policy revisions/additions. These policies are updated throughout the year per the Illinois School Code. Per Board Policy 7:185, it was noted that Olympia will not tolerate any bullying, intimidation and/or harassment.

Lastly, Dr. Wise announced that registration and plans are underway for the Joint Annual Conference.

Other Business

There was no other business.

Action Items

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Lynn Cross, to approve the 2019-2022 Olympia Education Association negotiated Contract as presented.

Discussion. Vote: Hansen (aye), Cross (aye), Glenn (aye), Matter (aye),

Maris (aye), Hohulin (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 7-0.

A motion was made by Kevin Frazier, seconded by Shawn Hohulin, to approve the final FY19 Amended Budget as presented by Superintendent Dr. Andrew Wise

Discussion. Vote: Hohulin (aye), Hansen (aye), Glenn (aye), Matter (aye),

Maris (aye), Cross (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 7-0.

A motion was made by Lynn Cross, seconded by Trena Glenn, to approve the FY20 Working Budget as presented by Superintendent Dr. Andrew Wise.

Discussion. Vote: Cross (aye), Glenn (aye), Hansen (aye), Matter (aye),

Maris (aye), Hohulin (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 7-0.

A motion was made by Shawn Hohulin, seconded by Steve Matter, to approve placing a temporary Portable Classroom Facility at Olympia South Elementary effective through June 30, 2023.

Discussion. Vote: Hohulin (aye), Matter (aye), Hansen (aye), Glenn (aye),

Maris (aye), Cross (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 7-0.

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Shawn Hohulin, to approve July 16, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. as the date/time for a Board Facilities Planning Meeting.

Discussion. Vote: Hansen (aye), Hohulin (aye), Glenn (aye), Matter (aye),

Maris (aye), Cross (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 7-0.

A motion was made by Lynn Cross, seconded by Kevin Frazier, to approve the employment of Joe Salzer as Network Technology Director and Sean Mullins as Instruction Technology Director.

Discussion. Vote: Cross (aye), Hansen (aye), Glenn (aye), Matter (aye),

Maris (aye), Hohulin (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 7-0.

Opportunity for Public Input

There was no Public Input.

Executive Session

There was no Executive Session.


A motion was made by Shawn Hohulin, seconded by Steve Matter, to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.

Motion carried by unanimous vote.


There was no Executive Session



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