
McLean County Times

Monday, January 27, 2025

Olympia Community Unit School District 16 Board met January 13

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Olympia Community Unit School District 16 Board met Jan. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order and Roll Call

The Olympia Board of Education of the Olympia CUSD #16 was called to order by President Kevin Frazier for a regular scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2020 in the Conference Room of the Olympia Administration Office with the following Board members and Administrators present: Kevin Frazier, Carolyn Hansen, Steve Matter, and Mary Springer; Superintendent Dr. Andrew S. Wise, Assistant Superintendent Laura O’Donnell, Olympia High School Principal Dr. Ed Jodlowski, and Olympia Middle School Principal Ben Lee.

Board members Shawn Hohulin and Lynn Cross were absent. Board member Doug Maris was absent, but participated by phone.

Sale of Bonds Hearing

A Public Hearing opened the meeting with Superintendent Dr. Andrew Wise presenting information regarding the sale of bonds. Dr. Wise shared that with the bonds, current balances, and incoming revenue, there will be enough dollars to complete the necessary building upgrades over a 3-year period. He also noted that a plan has been set up to provide a safety net, keeping the schedule short and the tax rate flat.

Opportunity for Public Input

There was no public input.


A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Steve Matter, to adjourn the Hearing at 7:02 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance

The Olympia Board of Education of the Olympia CUSD #16 was called to order by President Kevin Frazier for the regular portion of the meeting at 7:03 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2020 in the Conference Room of the Olympia Administration Office with the following Board members and Administrators present: Kevin Frazier, Carolyn Hansen, Steve Matter, and Mary Springer; Superintendent Dr. Andrew S. Wise, Assistant Superintendent Laura O’Donnell, Olympia High School Principal Dr. Ed Jodlowski, and Olympia Middle School Principal Ben Lee.

Board members Shawn Hohulin and Lynn Cross were absent. Board member Doug Maris was absent, but participated by phone.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Frazier.

Recognition of Visitors

President Frazier welcomed all visitors and asked them to introduce themselves. Visitors included Director of Student Services Andy Walsh, Maintenance Director Scott Thornton, Olympia Education Association representative Becky Meissner, and Dewberry Architects representative Tracy Coker. Also attending the meeting for student recognition were OMS Speech Team members Michael Bagby, Julia Collins, Brooke Cummings, and Anna Kindred; OHS State Scholars Jade Andris, Esther Birkey, Colby Burt, Elizabeth Davis, Danika Ford, Emily Hunter, Kishan Jayswal, Emma Kindred, Josie Litwiller, Grace Melick, Joshua Reed, Bailey Rogers, Cavit Schempp, Kaylin Simpson, and Darcy Tripod; and multiple parents/family members.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Steve Matter, to approve the Consent Agenda which included:

A.Approval of Agenda

B.Approval of Minutes from the December 16, 2019 special-called Property Tax Levy Hearing

C.Approval of Minutes from the December 16, 2019 special-called E-Learning Days Public Hearing

D.Approval of Minutes, including Executive Session Minutes, from the December 16, 2019 regular Board of Education meeting

E.Approval of Bills and Financial Reports

F.Approval of the following resignations:

1.Laura Gordon – Bus Aide, effective December 20, 2019

2.Teddy Mallers – Technology Support Specialist, effective January 24, 2020

3.Hillary McDannald – Special Education Program Aide at Olympia West Elementary, effective January 17, 2020

4.Jill Uhlman – OHMS Instructional Coach, effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year

G.Approval of the following New Teacher Mentors, effective for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year:

1.Patti Emmert for Kari Kelly, 4th grade Teacher at Olympia West Elementary

2.Kassadie Tielke for Darci Eastman, 2nd grade Teacher at Olympia West Elementary

H.Approval of the employment of the following Education Support Personnel:

1.Laura Gordon – OHMS Food Service Personnel, effective January 6, 2020

2.Dawn Canterbury – Bus Aide, effective January 6, 2020

I.Approval of the increase in hours of Nicole Littlefield, OHMS Food Service Personnel, from 5.0 hours per day to 5.5 hours per day

J.Approval of the decrease in hours of Maurice Stribling, Bus Driver, from 7.25 hours per day to 6.25 hours per day

K.Approval of the employment of Dale Tarter – OHS Girls’ Assistant Soccer Coach, effective for the 2019-2020 season

L.Approval of the updated Board Policies as presented

M.Approval of the updated Job Description for Superintendent of Schools

N.Approval of the OMS Promotion date of Monday, May 18, 2020 @ 7:00 p.m.

O.Approval of the Mowing contract renewal between Olympia CUSD #16 and Changing Seasons, effective January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

P.Approval of an overnight trip for the OHS Varsity Wrestling Team to participate in Orion on February 1, 2020

Q.Approval of an overnight trip for the OHS Wrestling Team to attend a 2-day tournament in Princeton on January 10 & 11, 2020

R.Approval of the updated Job Description for Technology Support Specialist

S.Approval of the updated Job Description for Assistant Superintendent

Discussion. Vote: Hansen (aye), Matter (aye), Maris (aye), Hohulin (absent), Cross (absent), Springer (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 5-0.


Dr. Wise and Board members recognized seven members of the OMS Speech Team who were recently awarded the Judges’ Choice Award (Best of Day), as well as OMS Speech Coach Becky Meissner. Representing these students were Michael Bagby, Julia Collins, Brooke Cummings, and Anna Kindred who entertained attendees with a brief example of their talents. Also among these students, but not present at the meeting, are Grace Birkey, Presley Coale, and Jorgi Dupureur.

Dr. Wise and the Board also recognized this year’s 15 OHS State Scholars. To qualify as a State Scholar, a student must score at or above 95% on the SAT test, as well as be in the top 25% of their class. OHS Principal Dr. Ed Jodlowski noted that throughout the State, less than 10% of High School seniors become State Scholars. He also noted that Olympia had more State Scholars than a couple of other area combined counties. This year’s OHS State Scholars are Jade Andris, Esther Birkey, Colby Burt, Elizabeth Davis, Danika Ford, Emily Hunter, Kishan Jayswal, Emma Kindred, Josie Litwiller, Grace Melick, Joshua Reed, Bailey Rogers, Cavit Schempp, Kaylin Simpson, and Darcy Tripod.

Tracy Coker of Dewberry Architects presented Board members with design phases and a schedule for the Olympia South Elementary project. A special-called Board of Education meeting will be held in February to incorporate the District construction goals into the projected schedule. Mrs. Coker will also schedule a meeting with the Atlanta City Council to provide them with an overview of the project.

Administrative Committee Reports

Dr. Wise, Assistant Superintendent Laura O’Donnell, and Board members Carolyn Hansen and Mary Springer provided highlights from the recent Education/Technology Administrative Committee meeting. Mrs. O’Donnell announced that new legislation has passed, effective July 1, 2020, that requires school districts to include LGBTQ issues and movements in the Social Studies curriculum. She also shared that Olympia is moving away from the STAR assessments and moving to MAP assessments.

Mrs. Hansen noted that during their committee meeting, discussion was held regarding the Skills Based Grading. She stated that the District will be developing plans to help students and parents better understand the Skills Based Grading.

Administrative Reports

Building Principals’ reports were shared, all of which included the many holiday activities held before the Winter Break. OMS welcomed new teachers for the 2nd semester – Shannon Stadnik (Reading Interventionist) and Melissa Brander (Special Education). And, Olympia West Elementary also welcomed new teachers Darci Eastman (2nd grade) and Kari Kelly (4th grade).

Mrs. O’Donnell announced that after several attempts to collect outstanding fees, these fees will now be turned over to collections.

Mrs. O’Donnell also announced that vacancies for the next school year have been posted and interviews have begun. She also shared that there is a definite shortage of substitute teachers throughout the State. Mrs. O’Donnell noted that Olympia has been represented at several substitute fairs, but are still in need of more substitutes, as well as substitute paraprofessionals (aides).

Mrs. O’Donnell informed Board members that the link for the 5 Essentials Climate Survey has been sent to parents who have till February 14, 2020 to complete the survey. Teachers and students in grades 4-12 will also be completing the survey prior to February 15, 2020. The 5 Essentials Climate Survey is a State requirement. Student participation results will be included as part of future ESSA School Accountability ratings.

Mrs. O’Donnell announced that all five sections of the blended PreK programs are full. She noted that districts are required by law to ensure they are looking for children who would benefit for early intervention/ECE services, including conducting DIAL screenings (Child Find). Olympia’s DIAL screenings to identify students for the 2020-2021 school year are scheduled for May, 2020.

Mrs. O’Donnell also announced that due to multiple students in one of our elementary buildings having difficulty regulating their behavior and emotions, a recommendation has been made to create a MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) room which would provide a safe space for these students and would include a staff member trained in de-escalation and Trauma Informed Practices.

Mrs. O’Donnell provided Board members with dates of upcoming Professional Development opportunities. These opportunities are designed to address specific learning issues in each building.

As a result of the State’s designation of underperforming for OMS, Mrs. O’Donnell also shared that she and OMS Principal Ben Lee have been looking at OMS needs and have conducted a needs assessment. She announced that they will be working with an approved provider to embark on a multi-year professional development plan – the Challenge Learning Process. This process will involve data collection from trained consultants and a customized professional development plan. This process will be supported by the IL Empower Grant.

Dr. Wise presented the 2019-2020 Seniority Lists for Licensed personnel and provided a final look at the latest Board Policy updates. He also provided Board members with the updated OESPA (Olympia Education Support Personnel Association) contract which now includes District Library/Media Technicians.

Dr. Wise recommended renewing the District’s Property & Liability Insurance with Unland Insurance. He noted that Unland Insurance has done an excellent job protecting the District, providing support, and keeping rates down.

Dr. Wise informed Board members of the need to replace the roof over the OHMS cafeteria. He asked the Board for approval to begin the bid process for this project.

Dr. Wise also announced that the State of Illinois is offering a $50,000 Matching Maintenance Grant. He stated that if received, this money will be used toward the planned OHMS roof project. Dr. Wise thanked Maintenance Director Scott Thornton and Dewberry Architect Tracy Coker for working on the application.

Dr. Wise shared the 10-year Health Life Safety Survey with Board members. All items on the list are divided into three groups: A – items to be completed within 1 year; B – items to be completed within 5 years; and C – items to be completed within 10 years. Dr. Wise noted that typically these surveys result in needing several million dollars to complete the projects, but this survey resulted in needing only $1 million dollars for completion. Dr. Wise commended Maintenance Director Scott Thornton and his team for doing an excellent job in addressing safety concern issues over the past decade, resulting in the significant decrease in needed projects.

Dr. Wise asked to schedule a special-called Board Meeting on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 to meet with Dewberry Architect Tracy Coker and prioritize the schedule of projects at Olympia South Elementary.

Lastly, Board President Frazier recommended Board approval to name Laura O’Donnell as the next Superintendent of Olympia Schools, effective July 1, 2020. Mrs. O’Donnell will be replacing Dr. Wise as he has accepted a position in a northern Illinois school district.

Mrs. O’Donnell started her teaching career in 1995 at Normal West High School and was there as a high school science teacher/department chair and Assistant Principal for thirteen years. After she left Normal West, she was the Principal at Olympia South Elementary for three years and then returned to Unit 5 as the Principal at Evans Junior High School. Mrs. O’Donnell spent five years as the Director of Secondary Education in Unit 5 and returned to Olympia in 2018 to serve as the Assistant Superintendent. She has a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction and anticipates completion of a Doctoral degree in Educational Administration and Foundations in 2020. Mrs. O'Donnell grew up in the Olympia District and graduated from Olympia High School. She and her husband, Tim, reside in Atlanta and have three boys.

Board President Frazier shared "after the Board reviewed Laura's credentials and conducted an interview, it was obvious she was the very best choice to lead the District moving forward. The Board is extremely happy and excited to have her as the next Superintendent of the Olympia School District. We are looking forward to working with Laura as we continue to move our District forward into the future".

Other Business

There was no other business.

Action Items

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Kevin Frazier, to approve the intent of the Board of Education to sell $2,600,000 Working Cash Fund Bonds to increase the District’s Working Cash Fund and $13,000,000 Funding Bonds to pay claims against the District.

Discussion. Vote: Hansen (aye), Matter (aye), Maris (aye), Hohulin (absent), Cross (absent), Springer (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Mary Springer, seconded by Steve Matter, to approve the OESPA Contract to include the Library Technicians, effective through the 2021-2022 school year.

Discussion. Vote: Springer (aye), Matter (aye), Hansen (aye), Hohulin (absent), Maris (aye), Cross (absent), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Kevin Frazier, seconded by Steve Matter, to approve the renewal of Property & Liability Insurance through Unland Insurance for $356,689 to be distributed in the following amounts: $93,289 Property; $564 Crime; $6,580 Inland Marine; $31,350 General Liability; (included – School Board Legal); $59,167 Auto; $140,086 Workers Compensation; $15,931 Umbrella; $3,586 Pollution; $6,136 Cyber.

Discussion. Vote: Matter (aye), Hansen (aye), Maris (aye), Hohulin (absent), Cross (absent), Springer (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Mary Springer, to approve the grant application for State Matching Construction Grant in the amount of $50,000.

Discussion. Vote: Hansen (aye), Springer (aye), Matter (aye), Maris (aye), Hohulin (absent), Cross (absent), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Steve Matter, seconded by Kevin Fraznier to approve starting the Bid Process for OHS Roof Section HS4.

Discussion. Vote: Matter (aye), Hansen (aye), Maris (aye), Hohulin (absent), Cross (absent), Springer (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Kevin Frazier, to approve the 10-year Health Life Safety Survey.

Discussion. Vote: Hansen (aye), Matter (aye), Maris (aye), Hohulin (absent), Cross (absent), Springer (aye), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Mary Springer, seconded by Steve Matter, to approve Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. as the date/time for a special-called Facilities Meeting.

Discussion. Vote: Springer (aye), Matter (aye), Hansen (aye), Maris (aye), Hohulin (absent), Cross (absent), Frazier (aye). Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Steve Matter, to approve Laura O’Donnell as the Superintendent of Olympia Schools, effective July 1, 2020. Motion carried 5-0.

Opportunity for Public Input

There was no public input.

Executive Session

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Mary Springer, to meet in Executive Session at 8:03 p.m. to discuss student discipline, the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity, and/or litigation; to discuss purchase of property; and to discuss litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal; or when the public body finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding must be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Mary Springer, to reconvene open session at 8:09 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Actions as a Result of Executive Session

There were no actions as a result of Executive Session.


A motion was made by Steve Matter, seconded by Mary Springer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous vote.


A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Mary Springer, to meet in Executive Session at 8:03 p.m. to discuss student discipline, the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity, and/or litigation; to discuss purchase of property; and to discuss litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal; or when the public body finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding must be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Carolyn Hansen, seconded by Mary Springer, to reconvene open session at 8:09 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Actions as a Result of Executive Session

There were no actions as a result of Executive Session.



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