
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Gridley Board of Trustees met Jan. 3

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Village of Gridley Board of Trustees met Jan. 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gridley was held at the Village Hall at 7:00 p.m. Susan Laiming opened with a word of prayer.

President Benedict called the meeting to order and directed the Clerk to call roll, and upon roll call, the following Trustees answered present: Michael Finck, Kyle Cobbley, Susan Laiming, Keri Hany, Jay Kiefer, and Mick Finck. Quorum present. Employees Jen Hany and Mark Peterson were present.

Jeff asked if there were any corrections or additions to December meeting minutes. There were none. Mick made a motion to approve the minutes and Keri seconded the motion. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Cobbley-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Board reviewed the “Bills received by Clerk.” There were no additions. Michael made a motion to approve the bills and Susan seconded the motion. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Cobbley-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer yea, Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Board reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. After discussion, Susan made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Michael seconded. All present answered in favor.

Jeff presented the cash farm lease for 2022 for the 10 acres adjacent to the sewer plant. The lease is between the Village of Gridley and Kuntz Farms for a period of one year at a rate of $265.00 per acre. Mick made a motion to enter into the lease agreement for one year with Kuntz farms. Keri seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Cobbley-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Marilyn presented a quote in the amount of “not to exceed” $1500.00 from Laser-Tec for a new “Quick-books” computer for Jen. The current software will not support the update to payroll for 2022. The current computer is 9 years old. Susan made a motion to purchase the new computer from Laser-Tec at a cost not to exceed $1500.00. Kyle seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Cobbley-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Mick presented a quote from Todd Witzig for an ash tree removal at 408 N. Center. The cost to remove the tree and grind the stump is $650.00. Mick made a motion to approve Todd’s quote. Jay seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Cobbley-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Kyle reported that he has received concerns about the inability to see traffic at the West end of Hillcrest. Kyle will speak to the homeowner regarding the trees.

Mick made a motion to adjourn. Keri seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Cobbley-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.
