City of Lexington City Council met July 11.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Consideration/Vote to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2022 regular session meeting.
V. Consideration/Vote approve the paying of bills/Treasurer’s Report.
VI. Public Input:
VII. Old Business:
A. Discussion/Vote Ordinance 2022-5: Amending Chapter 23 of the Lexington City Code to Add a New Article VI Regarding Regulation of Residential Rental Property
VIII. New Business:
A. Discussion/Vote Mayor Pro Tem
B. Discussion only request for street closings/block parties
C. Discussion only COCU’s request for more space behind the Blacksmith Shop
D. Vote to go into Closed Session to discuss Possible Pending Litigation
E. Vote to go into Open Session
IX. Committee Reports
A. Mayor’s Report Johansen
B. Police Richard
C. Building/Insurance Franklin
D. Finance/TIF Stover
E. Water/Sewer/Sanitation Wilson
F. Street/Alley Mattingly
X. Adjourn