Town of Chatsworth Board of Trustee met June 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Official proceedings of the Board of Trustee’s, Town of Chatsworth, held in the Town council room at 7:03PM.
Roll call showed the following present: Trustee Price, Schroen, Cavanagh, and Harn. Also, present: President Runyon, Chief Cavanagh, Clerk Meyer, Superintendent Harn, and Attorney Coleman. Absent was Trustee Nelson and Bell, Treasurer Dassow, Superintendent Ledford, and Heather Tatro.
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Schroen to approve the agenda after removing, “amend golf cart ordinance #433. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Price and seconded by Trustee Harn to approve the previous minutes. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas Trustee Schroen reported his wife text Mayor and the himself regarding reinstating the clerk pay. “Wanted to know if the previous motion needed to be revised making an adjustment to the full-time collector wages/hourly pay?” President Runyon reported the motion was correct and that this had been resolved.
Chief Cavanagh provided his report to the board of Trustees. Also thanked the board for approving the flashing stop signs on 4th/Walnut. He would like to be more proactive with rental properties and the crime.
A motion by Trustee Harn and seconded by Trustee Price to approve the purchase of a new flag pole in the amount of $750 plus shipping. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Price to approve the Motor Fuel Tax budget for 5/1/22-4/30/23. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
The board of Trustees and Mayor Runyon came to an agreement to post the patrol officer job in the Blade and the Daily Leader.
President Runyon reported he called Ameren to fix a couple lights out in town, provided a proposal from Piggush Engineering for Locust Street scape. Also had a flyer for high-speed internet.
Trustee Cavanagh reported having the Town buildings on her mind.
Trustee Schroen reported taking Friday June 17th off to be available to help with the summer clean-up. Also reported concerns with the possible black out from Ameren. (Ameren called PTC Alliance)
Trustee Price reported his committee met and they want to rewrite the golf cart ordinance; separating the golf carts and UTVs including fees and violations.
Clerk Meyer reported the change in the detailed balance sheet and the interest that the citizens showed in the an electronic recycle.
Public Input: Shirley Runyon asked if golf carts had to stop at stop signs. She was informed that they are subject to all the state traffic laws. Carolyn Barrett stated we need a new officer to help enforce the traffic laws. She also commented on how nice the flashing stop signs on 4th/Walnut are.
A motion by Trustee Harn and seconded by Trustee Price to pay the bills. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas A motion by Trustee Price and seconded by Trustee Harn to adjourn the meeting at 7:54PM. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas Mindy Sue Meyer – Town Clerk Date: 6/14/22________________