Town of Chatsworth Board of Trustee met July 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Official proceedings of the Board of Trustee’s, Town of Chatsworth, held in the Town council room at 7:00 PM
Roll call showed the following present: Trustee Schroen, Cavanagh, and Harn. Also, present: President Runyon, Clerk Meyer, Superintendent Ledford and Harn, and Chief Cavanagh. Absent was Trustee Price, Nelson, and Bell, Treasurer Dassow, Attorney Coleman, and Heather Tatro.
A motion by Trustee Schroen and seconded by Trustee Cavanagh to approve the agenda. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Schroen to approve the minutes from June 14th and June 28th regular board meetings. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
Chief Cavanagh provided his report to the board of Trustees.
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Schroen to purchase another taser for the Police Department in the amount of $500 from Ryan Bohm. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Harn to purchase security cameras for the Police Department not to exceed $2000. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
President Runyon asked the Trustees who would join him for personnel committee; it was decided that Trustee Harn and Schroen would.
Trustee Harn reported that there was another water main leak/break causing Walnut to be torn up and wanted to know what the board had planned to replace it.
Trustee Cavanagh reported waiting for a few quotes for the replacement of town garage at 318 E Locust.
Trustee Schroen reported that we need to send a letter notifying the citizens if they are going to have excessive trash there will be an additional charge and if they have mattresses etc they need to be wrapped in plastic before they will be picked up. He also requested the golf cart ordinance be put back on the agenda for July 26th regular board meeting.
Superintendent Harn reported the need for updating the aerators for the primary pond at the sewer plant. The system is from 1978 and is going to cost approximately $13,000 to replace but the update needs to happen sooner than later as things are starting to fail. Also asked the Trustees if the cones at Memorial Pond could be pulled, the citizens have been distraught about them still being out. He was informed to pull the barricades.
Superintendent Ledford informed the board of Trustees that he put in his resignation letter and July 29th would be his last day. He also agreed to remain the water operator in charge until Superintendent Harn receives his water license. Everybody thanked him for his service.
Public Input: Kay Grizzle voiced her concerns about the neighbors to the east having uncontrollable fires and embers landing on her house/property. Lana Bell questioned the ordinance regarding how tall one’s grass can be and what the fine was for it. (it has to be 8inches and if the town mows it they will be charged $100 each time) Carolyn Barrett would like to see the times you can put your garbage to the curb and when your cans have to be retrieved posted.
A motion by Trustee Harn and seconded by Trustee Schroen to pay the bills from June 14th and June 28th regular board meetings. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Schroen and seconded by Trustee Harn to adjourn the meeting at 7:36PM. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas