City of Fairbury Zoning Board of Appeals met Aug. 29.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
A public meeting of the Fairbury Zoning Board of Appeals was held at the City Hall in Fairbury, Illinois at 6 PM, pursuant to a notice published in the Daily Leader.
Present: Zoning Board Chairman Gerry Vance, Zoning Board members John Gavin, Seth Welch, Tom Bull, Sam Pica and Matt Davis.
Also present was applicant Gideon Moser and Zoning Administrator Nancy Widlacki.
Chairman Vance called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM and briefly outlined the application request. He then directed Zoning Administrator Widlacki to read aloud the reason for the hearing.
Application of Gideon and Harmony Moser, requesting a variance in Use Regulations of said Zoning Ordinance to permit a barbershop business in a residential district; said property being described, to-wit:
25 10 177 013 S10 T26 R6 LOT 95 X 130 LOT 1 & N1/2 OF LOT 4 IFFT 2ND ADD PT W SE NW
Chairman Vance opened the hearing by offering Gideon the opportunity to elaborate on his request. Gideon noted his clientele is quite established allowing him to consider bringing the shop to his home in a non-attached structure, approximately 14’ x 30’. He may decide to split the structure into a barbershop and a shed but hasn’t made that decision yet. He does one haircut every half hour which means an extra vehicle or two would be parked in his driveway during business hours. Member Davis asked for clarification on the shop and shed size; Gideon noted he hasn’t made a final decision yet.
Zoning Administrator Widlacki asked Gideon if he has sufficient space on his lot to comply with Zoning codes. Gideon responded affirmatively; the structure would be 20’ from any lot line. ZA Widlacki asked about signage. Gideon thought he would probably hang a sign in the front window.
Chairman Vance asked for additional questions and/or comments. Hearing none, he put the matter to a vote by polling each member individually.
Should the variance application from Mr. & Mrs. Gideon Moser be approved as presented: Pica-YES Gavin-YES Davis-YES Welch-YES Bull-YES Vance-YES
The variance request was approved unanimously.
No other matters were discussed and the meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.