
McLean County Times

Friday, May 31, 2024

City of Pontiac City Council met Oct. 17

City of Pontiac City Council met Oct. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Alvey called to order the regular meeting of the Pontiac City Council at 7:00 P.M.

The City Clerk was directed to call roll, and the following members of the Council were present: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Hicks, Lee, Bradshaw, Clark, and Wille. Absent: Gabor


Mayor Alvey stated that there were two items on the consent agenda. He asked if there were any items that needed to be removed for later discussion. Hearing none, motion made by Eckhoff, second by Wille that the items on the consent agenda be approved as presented.

A. Motion by Eckhoff, second by Wille to approve the minutes of the October 3, 2022 as written. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Lee, Hicks, Bradshaw, Clark, and Wille.

B. Motion by Eckhoff, second by Wille to approve the payment of bills totaling $ 170,991.98 from all funds. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Lee, Hicks, Bradshaw, Clark, and Wille.

** Alderman Gabor is now in attendance of the Council meeting


A. Presentation - PTHS Food Forest - Paul Ritter Class

A group from Paul Ritter's Science class at PTHS presented the Council a plan for a Food Forest in Pontiac. It will be located next to the Community Garden at Cleary St. And Oak Street. Plans are to plant food plants that can be harvested by anyone in the City that is in need. The Science group along with other volunteers will keep the garden going and hopefully be carried on with each class at PTHS

B. Approval - Airport Solar Lease 2A/2B ESP Solar LLC

Motion by Bradshaw, second by Hicks to approve Lease Option Agreement with ESP Solar LLC for a solar site located near 165602 E 2125 North Rd, up to (28) acres at $2,000.00 per acre per year, as written. On a roll call vote, motion carried 10-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Lee, Hicks, Bradshaw, Clark, Gabor, and Wille.

C. Ordinance 2022-0-020

Motion by Gabor, second by Kallas to approve Ordinance 2022-0-020, an ordinance approving the Redevelopment Agreement and sale of 314 N. Main St. with Wright's Furniture at a price of $25,000.00, as written. On a roll call vote, motion carried 10-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Lee, Hicks, Bradshaw, Clark, Gabor, and Wille.

D. Golf Instructor - Kenny Jacobs

Motion by Barr, second by Lee to approve the agreement with Kenny Jacobs as a golf instructor in Pontiac with a payment to the City of 15% of all his collected revenue. On a roll call vote, motion carried 10-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Lee, Hicks, Bradshaw, Clark, Gabor, and Wille.

E. Property Acquisition - 222 E. Timber St.

Motion by Wille, second by Hicks to approve the Acquisition of 222 E. Timber St. by way of a deed to the City. Direct conveyance and formal acceptance will be done at the next Council meeting. On a roll call vote, motion carried 10-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Lee, Hicks, Bradshaw, Clark, Gabor, and Wille.

F. Change Order Wastewater Treatment Plant Project

Motion by Eckhoff, second by Gabor to approve the change order of the sewer plant project to extend final completion to December 31,2022, with the final payment to project to be June 30, 2023, as presented. On a roll call vote, motion carried 10-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Lee, Hicks, Bradshaw, Clark, Gabor, and Wille.

G. Street Department Purchase - Tractor

Motion by Kallas, second by Wille to approve the purchase of a John Deer Utility Tractor at a cost of $18,800.00, for the Street Department, which includes allowance given for trade in. On a roll call vote, motion carried 10-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Lee, Hicks, Bradshaw, Clark, Gabor, and Wille.

Mayor Comments

The Mayor noted that the plans are to have quarterly meeting for the individual committees.

Administrator Comments

Jim Woolford explained to Council that all future meetings of the Council will be held at City Hall and that staff is working on microphones and Chamber set up.

Council Comments

Alderman Kallas mentioned that there has been some unauthorized taking of vegetables and plants from the Community Garden.

Alderwomen Eckhoff asked about leaf collection and was told that the Street Department

has started.

Public Comments

Barb Howard asked about the Ice Rink. Weather permitting, plans are to open December 1st.


On motion duly made and seconded, the regular meeting of the City Council is adjourned.




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