
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Dwight Board of Trustees met March 13

Village of Dwight Board of Trustees met March 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

PRESENT: Paul Johnson, Village President; Jenny Johnson, Trustee Marla Kinkade, Trustee; Randy Irvin, Trustee; and Pete Meister, Trustee

ABSENT: Justin Eggenberger, Trustee and Chuck Butterbrodt, Trustee

Other Village Officials in Attendance: Police Chief Nolan, EMS Chief Callahan, Cory Scoles, Public Works Director; Kevin McNamara, Village Administrator; and Whitney Scott, Village Clerk

President Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.

The Village Board Minutes from February 27, 2023 were presented for approval. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Johnson, to approve the minutes as submitted. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 4-0.


Payment of the March 13, 2023 bills was tabled until the March 27, 2023 meeting pending updated account/coding information.


Brian Perschnick, a local landowner, encouraged the Board to approve the proposed Wind Farm Project and Resolutions. He explained that with his previous experience on the Dwight High School Board of Education, he saw the great tax benefits from the Emington and Ransom Wind Farm Projects; that they had helped fund the steel roof, the café expansion, and upgraded HVAC – money that didn’t have to come from the local tax-payers.


President Johnson expressed his appreciation to Pattern Energy Wind Farm and their continued efforts to work on finding a solution that will benefit all taxing bodies, as well as the Village, and the community as a whole. Johnson stated that the Board isn’t elected to make easy decisions, and this was one of the polarizing topics, but that the Board is here to represent as many as possible, while responsibly keeping the Village fiscally solvent. President Johnson also welcomed new State Representative Jason Bunting and thanked him for attending. President Johnson also expressed his gratitude to Village Administrator McNamara for his continued dedication to the Village office, covering all three desks in the interim.


Village Administrator McNamara stated that there will be an Administration and Finance Committee Meeting on Tuesday, March 21st at 5:00pm to review the upcoming budget for Fiscal Year 2024. He stated that there will also need to be two public hearings prior to the next Regular Board Meeting to approve the amended FY23 Budget and the proposed FY24 Budget.

EMS Chief Callahan stated that the newest ambulance is in service and everything is going well. He stated that oldest ambulance that has been parked in the lot is ready to be surplus-ed out and moved out to Public Works; he’ll be getting additional information and working with the Village Attorney to start that process.

Chief Nolan stated that Police Testing will be this Saturday at the High School; there were seven applicants for the open position, with academy starting May 7th. Nolan advised there’s no update on a squad car at this time, he’s still researching and will keep the Board updated.

Public Works Director Scoles stated that the radar signage had finally arrived, they’re just waiting for the weather to cooperate to get those installed. Scoles also shared a reminder that leaf and yard-waste pickup will begin on April 3rd.


Administration & Finance Committee, Monday March 13, 2023 at 5:30PM

PRESENT: Village President Paul Johnson, Trustees Irvin, Kinkade, Johnson, and Meister ABSENT: Trustee Eggenberger and Butterbrodt

Other Village Officials in Attendance: Police Chief Nolan, EMS Chief Callahan, Cory Scoles, Kevin McNamara, and Whitney Scott

President Johnson called the meeting to order and requested a roll call.

EMS FT Basic Recommendation: EMS Chief Callahan stated that there were two internal candidates for the available full-time EMS Basic position and recommends hiring Gabrielle “Bri” Kelly. He stated that she has been part-time for the past six to seven months and has a great work ethic and gets along well with everyone. Callahan recommends hiring Bri Kelly at Step A of the EMT-B scale with a 12-month probationary period effective immediately. Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Johnson, to recommend the Board proceed with hiring.

Trustee Johnson made a motion, with a second from Trustee Irvin, to approve the hiring of Gabrielle “Bri” Kelly as a full-time EMS Basic. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 4-0.

OSF John Street Building: President Johnson explained that Tim Henson has been in discussions with OSF regarding possibly donating their office on John Street to the Village. Johnson opened the topic for general discussion to gauge if the Board would be interested in further pursuing. With several ideas for future use, including a possible partnership with the DEA and potential for dedicated office space for Dwight Youth Sports Organizations (Baseball/Softball, Football, Soccer, etc.), it was unanimously decided to continue discussions. President Johnson confirmed that he would confirm that it was a donation, free and clear of any strings regarding future use or possible sale of the building, and that there would also be further discussions regarding Public Works’ maintenance responsibilities before anything was officially decided.

Pattern Energy Wind Farm: Kelly O’Brien with ConnectGen and Allen Wynn with Pattern Energy Wind Farm were in attendance to present a revised proposal for eleven wind turbines within the 1 ½ mile residential radius with a revised Community Benefit Agreement. O’Brien confirmed that all eleven turbines would be more than one mile from residential boundaries and that the new CBA agreement increases the one-time donation to $25,000 per turbine, plus a $10,000 one-time bonus for executing the Resolutions to move forward with the project, as well as increases the annual payment to $2,000 per turbine, with a 2% increase each year. O’Brien explained that the one-time donations would be paid across three project milestones; (1) $91,667 (11 turbines x 25,000/3) within 45 days of the execution of the Resolutions, plus an additional $10,000 bonus, (2) $91,667 paid within 45 days of the receipt of a non-appealable permit, and (3) $91,667 paid within 45 days of the Project reaching Commercial Operation.

President Johnson expressed his appreciation to O’Brien and Wynn for their continued efforts on the project working towards what is best for the community as a whole. It was determined that because the proposed Resolutions were not listed on the Agenda for the Regular Board Meeting, the Committee will recommend the Board approve the project as proposed and then officially vote on the two Resolutions at the March 27th meeting.

Trustee Irvin made a motion, with a second from Trustee Meister, to approve the revised project as proposed, with eleven wind turbines within the 1 ½ mile radius. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 4-0.

With no further new business to discuss, it was unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:04PM. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS:

Resolution 2023-03 IDOT Permission to bore under Route 66 A resolution requesting a permit from the Illinois Department of Transportation to proceed with installation of a water line was presented. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Irvin, to approve the Resolution as proposed. Roll call. Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye), Irvin (aye), Meister (aye). Motion carries, 4-0.


Resolution 2023-04 Appointment of Village Administrator & Approval of Contract A resolution for the appointment of Carissa Livingston as Village Administrator and the proposed employment contract were presented. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Johnson, to approve the Resolution and Employment Contract as proposed. Roll call. Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye), Irvin (aye), Meister (aye). Motion carries, 4-0.


Resolution 2023-05 IHDA Grant Signatories A resolution accepting a grant from the Illinois Housing Development Authority’s Strong Communities Program was presented. This $60,000.00 grant shall be used to preserve affordable housing efforts by assisting with the rehabilitation and/or demolition of abandoned properties. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Irvin, to approve the Resolution as proposed. Roll call. Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye), Irvin (aye), Meister (aye). Motion carries, 4-0.



Trustee Irvin stated that the new railings at Franklin Corner are looking fantastic (installation is about half-way complete) and inquired about the status of the Water Meter Upgrade Project. Trustee Kinkade stated that she and Scoles have been working on this and are moving forward as planned. The new meters will allow for automated recording and downloads via radio reads and should save a lot of time.


Eric Frobish, on behalf of Dwight Lion’s Club, submitted a request to reserve the NE Pavilion and the East half of Renfrew Park for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 8th. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Meister, to approve the request. Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye), Irvin (abstain), Meister (aye), President Johnson (aye). Motion carries, 4-0.

Bids for the Columbia & Washington Streets Bridge Repairs were reviewed. Based on the proposals received, Chamlin & Associates recommended the project be awarded to the low, responsive, responsible bidder D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $185,780.00. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Meister, to award the bid for repairs to D Construction, Inc. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 4-0.

Bids for the Watters Drive Water Main Looping project were reviewed. Based on the proposals received, Farnsworth Group recommended the project be awarded to the low, responsive, responsible bidder Opperman Construction Company, in the amount of $128,439.00. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Meister, to award the bid for repairs to D Construction, Inc. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 4-0.

Finding no further business, Trustee Irvin made a motion, with a second from Trustee Kinkade, to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 PM, all voted aye.
