
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Bloomington City Council met April 24

City of Bloomington City Council met April 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council convened in regular session in the Government Center Chambers at 6:00 p.m., Monday, April 24, 2023. Mayor Mboka Mwilambwe called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance ending with a moment of silent prayer/reflection.

Roll Call

Attendee Name



Mboka Mwilambwe



Grant Walch

Council Member, Ward 1


Donna Boelen

Council Member, Ward 2; Mayor Pro Tem


Sheila Montney

Council Member, Ward 3


Julie Emig

Council Member, Ward 4


Nick Becker

Council Member, Ward 5


De Urban

Council Member, Ward 6


Mollie Ward

Council Member, Ward 7


Jeff Crabill

Council Member, Ward 8


Tom Crumpler

Council Member, Ward 9



The following item was presented:

Item 6.A. Recognition of Outgoing City Council Members Jeff Crabill, Julie Emig, De Urban, and Grant Walch, as requested by the Administration Department.

Mayor Mwilambwe recognized the following outgoing City Council Members for their service to the community and presented a plaque to each: (1) Jeff Crabill (2019 - 2023); (2) Julie Emig (2019 - 2023); (3) De Urban (2021 - 2023); and (4) Grant Walch (2022 - 2023).

Public Comment

Mayor Mwilambwe read a public comment procedure statement. No emailed public comment was received. The following provided public comment: (1) Surena Fish; (2) Gary Lambert; (3) Scott Stimeling; and (4) Debra Johnson.

Recognition/Appointments Continued

The following item was presented:

Item 6.B. Proclamation for Arbor Day, as requested by the Administration Department.

Mayor Mwilambwe presented the Proclamation for Arbor Day and Dave Lamb, Assistant Superintendent of Park Maintenance, was present to accept it.

The following item was presented:

Item 6.C. Proclamation for EID-UL-FITR Day, as requested by the Administration Department.

Mayor Mwilambwe presented the Proclamation for EID-UL-FITR Day and Faisal Rashid was present to accept it.

The following item was presented:

Item 6.D. Recognition of Boards & Commissions Appointments and Reappointment, as requested by the Administration Department.

Leslie Yocum, City Clerk, recognized the appointments/reappointments of: (1) Emma Meyer, Historic Preservation Commission; (2) Sarah Lindenbaum, Historic Preservation Commission; (3) Ross Webb, Zoning Board of Appeals; and (4) Tom Krieger, Planning Commission.

Consent Agenda

Items listed on the Consent Agenda are approved with one motion; Items pulled by Council from the Consent Agenda for discussion are listed and voted on separately.

Council Member Ward made a motion, seconded by Council Member Boelen, to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of 7.T.

Item 7.A. Consideration and Action to Approve the Minutes of the March 27, 2023, Regular City Council Meeting, as requested by the City Clerk Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Minutes be approved.)

Item 7.B. Consideration and Action to Approve Bills and Payroll in the Amount of $8,239,497.28, as requested by the Finance Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Bills and Payroll be approved.)

Item 7.C. Consideration and Action to Approve Reappointments to Boards & Commissions, as requested by the Administration Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Reappointments be approved.)

Item 7.D. Consideration and Action to Approve Funding for Fiscal Year 2024 Stabilization Installation Work through the McLean County Soil and Water Conservation District (MCSWCD), in the amount of $118,000, utilizing the Watershed Conservation Intergovernmental Agreement, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Funding be approved.)

Item 7.E. Consideration and Action to Approve the Purchase of 308 Gun Safes from Premier and Companies, Inc. in the Amount of $ 59,997.80, as requested by the Police Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Purchase be approved.)

Item 7.F. Consideration and Action on the Purchase of Professional Services, Hardware, Licensing, and Installation of an Access Control System at Fire Headquarters and Fire Station #6 Through Tronicom, Inc., for a Total Amount of $ 85,722, as requested by the Information Technology Department, and the Fire Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Purchase be approved.)

Item 7.G. Consideration and Action on a Resolution Approving an Agreement Amendment with Henson Disposal, Inc. for Excavation Materials Disposal (Bid #2020 -35) in the Amount of $40 per Ton of Excavation Materials, as requested by the Public Works Department, N/A. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Resolution be approved.)

Item 7.H. Consideration and Action to Approve the Proposal of Insurance and Client Services Agreement with Arthur J. Gallagher from May 1, 2023, to April 30, 2024, in the Amount of $ 1,435,953, as requested by the Human Resources Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Agreement and Proposal of Insurance be approved.)

Item 7.I. Consideration and Action to Approve an Agreement with George Gildner, Inc. for the Fiscal Year 2024 Street, Alley, and Sidewalk Maintenance Project (Bid #2023-28) in the Amount of $250,700, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Agreement be approved.)

Item 7.J. Consideration and Action to Approve an Agreement with George Gildner, Inc. for the Fiscal Year 2024 Utility Maintenance Project (Bid #2023-26) in the Amount of $2,294,800, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Agreement be approved.)

Item 7.K. Consideration and Action to Approve an Agreement with Bodine Electric of Decatur for the Fiscal Year 2024 Traffic Signal Maintenance Project (Bid #2023-27), in the Amount of $158,925, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Agreement be approved.)

Item 7.L. Consideration and Action to Approve a Contract with Midwest Fiber, Inc. for Single Stream Recycling (RFP #2023-29) with a Variable Cost per Ton, Depending on the Number of Tons, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Contract be approved.)

Item 7.M. Consideration and Action to Approve a Contract with Gateway Pyrotechnics Productions, LLC of St. Louis, MO for the Purchase of Fireworks Displays for the Annual 4th of July Celebration in Miller Park for Years 2023 through 2025 for a Total of $115,908.75, as requested by the Parks & Recreation Department, and the Administration Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Contract be approved.)

Item 7.N. Consideration and Action on a Contract with Mississippi Lime Company for the Purchase and Delivery of Granulated Quicklime and Liquid Hydrated Lime, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Contract be approved.)

Item 7.O. Consideration and Action to Approve a Contract with Linde, Inc. for Carbon Dioxide (Bid #2023 -20) in the Amount of $250 per Ton Delivered, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Contract be approved.)

Item 7.P. Consideration and Action to Approve a Resolution Authorizing Waiving the Formal Bidding Requirements and Approving an Agreement with T. Kirk Brush, Inc. for Brush Disposal (RFP #2023-24) in the Amount of $8.50 per Cubic Yard of Brush, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Resolution be approved.)

Item 7.Q. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for Chicken-Keeping in the R-1C (Single-Family Residence) District for the Property Located at 15 Shoal Creek Court, as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 7.R. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Approving the Vacation of a Public Utility Easement and a Storm Water Detention and Drainage Easement, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 7.S. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Approving the Final Plat of Resubdivision of Lot 5 in Access Park Subdivision, as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 7.T. was pulled from the Consent Agenda by Council Member Crabill.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Walch, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried.

Items Pulled from the Consent Agenda

The following item was presented:

Item 7.T. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Amending Section 30 of Chapter 1 of the City Code Regarding the Schedule of Fees, as requested by the City Clerk Department.

Council Member Crabill and Mrs. Yocum discussed the plan for her Department to audit the 28 license types they manage during the summer of 2023. Mrs. Yocum shared that staff would present to Council recommendations for elimination of antiquated licenses, as well as other proposals. She noted the Item before Council only addressed Schedule of Fees updates.

Council Member Crabill made a motion, seconded by Council Member Boelen, to approve the Item as presented.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Walch, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried.

Regular Agenda

The following item was presented:

Item 8.A. Consideration and Action to Approve a Contract for the Machinist Lodge 1000, as requested by the Human Resources Department, and the Public Works Department.

City Manager, Tim Gleason, introduced the Item and highlighted key changes negotiated in the contract. He then thanked Lodge 1000 union members and City staff that had been involved in negotiations for their collaborative efforts on the contract.

Council Member Ward made a motion, seconded by Council Member Urban, to approve the Item as presented.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Walch, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried.

The following item was presented:

Item 8.B. Consideration and Action on a Resolution Approving 202 West Market Street as the Location for Connect Transit's New Downtown Transfer Station, as requested by the Administration Department.

City Manager Gleason introduced the Item and explained the Resolution signified the City’s agreement that the current Market Street Garage (Garage) would become home of Connect Transit's new Downtown Transfer Station. He noted the significant involvement and consideration that Council would have in the project in the future and then recognized Connect Transit Staff, as well as those appointed to the Connect Transit Board by the City.

Council Member Emig discussed various opportunities and collaborative options available in selecting the Market Street Parking Garage as the Transfer Station site.

Council Member Walch expressed concern in approving the Item without a site plan. City Manager Gleason explained the development process and stressed that considerations for examination of the site would come before Council in the future.

Council Member Boelen provided an overview of research and community outreach she’d completed. She expressed concerns with costs and removal of the Garage.

Council Member Ward made a motion, seconded by Council Member Crabill, to extend Council discussion time by 10 minutes.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Walch, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried.

City Manager Gleason discussed costs to maintain and repair the Garage, as compared to costs to incorporate the Garage with the Transfer Station development.

Council Member Ward made a motion, seconded by Council Member Crabill, to approve the Item as presented.

Council Member Ward supported the Item citing the need to develop a solid transportation system for the future while being fiscally and ethically responsible.

Council Member Crumpler expressed support for the Item.

Council Member Montney and City Manager Gleason discussed process and potential financial implications should the site change. City Manager Gleason stressed the importance of staff continuing to keep the community informed of the project’s development.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

NAYES: Walch, Boelen

Motion carried.

The following item was presented:

Item 8.C. Consideration for Approval of Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Transition Plan, as requested by the Administration Department.

City Manager Gleason briefly discussed history of the Item and noted staff's desire to update the City’s Americans with Disabilities ("ADA") Transition Plan. He also noted Council Member Ward having had submitted a Council Initiative regarding the topic a few years ago.

Michael Hurt, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, provided an overview of the Plan. Council Member Crumpler thanked staff and celebrated the City’s commitment to the community.

Council Member Crumpler made a motion, seconded by Council Member Crabill, to approve the Item as presented.

Council Member Crabill echoed thanks to staff and noted collaboration with the community. He challenged staff to make the Transfer Station as accessible as possible.

Council Member Ward expressed gratitude for the work that went into the Plan.

Mayor Mwilambwe discussed his travels and commended the City for focusing on being accessible to all.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Walch, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried.

The following item was presented:

Item 8.D. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Amending Chapters 16 of the City Code Implementing New Equal Opportunity Initiatives and Goals for City Contracts and Amending Chapter 22.2 Regarding Equal Employment, as requested by the Administration Department.

City Manager Gleason celebrated Council's vision and explained how the Item encouraged collaboration with minority-owned businesses as vendors with the City. He was proud the City was taking steps to expand its diversity and inclusion efforts.

Mr. Hurt highlighted the proposal and addressed concerns explaining that staff would make good faith efforts to encourage contracts with vendors.

Council Member Crabill confirmed with Mr. Hurt that a company database would be utilized, and then discussed in detail the proposed requirements.

Council Member Walch appreciated staff’s due diligence in drafting the Ordinance.

Council Member Montney confirmed specific requirements of the proposal, as well as the good faith effort theory for working with vendors.

Council Member Emig made a motion, seconded by Council Member Ward, to approve the Item as presented.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Walch, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried.

Finance Director's Report

Scott Rathbun, Finance Director, reminded the community of the lag in reporting taxes. He discussed major tax revenues for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 and compared year-to-date figures to projected budget figures. He highlighted significant changes and presented expenditures while noting expected delay impacts to expenses due to supply costs. He reminded the community where to locate his presentations on the City's website.

Council Member Montney and Mr. Rathbun discussed percentage increases of FYs 2023 and 2024. She stressed the importance of offering the same or better services at lower rates and asked for future updates on creative efforts by staff.

Council Member Walch commended Mr. Rathbun and his staff for their reporting. City Manager's Discussion

City Manager Gleason discussed multiple upcoming events Downtown, as well as the recent Wiz Khalifa concert. He thanked outgoing Council for their significant contributions.

Mayor's Discussion

Mayor Mwilambwe reiterated thanks to the outgoing Council Members and noted the upcoming orientation for the incoming Council Members.

Council Member's Discussion

Council Member Walch thanked Mayor Mwilambwe for his appointment. He recognized the incoming Council Members for their initiative to become involved in the community.

Council Member Becker echoed appreciation for the outgoing Council Members. He described the Criminal Justice Committee and their collaboration to care for residents.

Council Member Boelen echoed appreciation for the outgoing Council Members. She then recognized the beginning of the National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week.

Council Members Montney and Crumpler echoed appreciation to outgoing Council. Council Member Crumpler then thanked the Bloomington Fire Department for their response to a recent apartment fire.

Council Member Emig expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve the community. She briefly discussed accomplishments she was part of during her tenure.

Council Member Crabill echoed gratitude for the opportunity to serve the community. He expressed appreciation to City administration, staff, and fellow Council Members.

Executive Session

No Executive Session was held.


Council Member Boelen made a motion, seconded by Council Member Urban to adjourn the meeting.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Walch, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried (viva voce).

The meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.



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