
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

McLean County Unified School District No. 5 Board of Education met April 26

McLean County Unified School District No. 5 Board of Education met April 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A McLean County Unit District No. 5 Board of Education meeting was held Wednesday, April 26, 2023, beginning at - 6:30pm (Sign up for public comments will be open from 5:15pm - 6:15pm) at the Normal West High School, 501 N Parkside Rd, Normal, IL 61761.


Members present: Kentrica Coleman, Jeremy DeHaai, Stan Gozur, Alan Kalitzky, Kelly Pyle, Amy Roser, Barry Hitchins. Members absent: None.


At 5:30 p.m. Gozur moved, DeHaai seconded to adjourn to closed session to discuss the following matters according to the exceptions provided in the Open Meetings Act and specified as follows:

•2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity and •2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. Roll Call: Ayes: Coleman, DeHaai, Gozur, Kalitzky, Pyle, Roser, Hitchins. Nays: None. Motion carried.


The Board recessed at 6:24 p.m. to return to public session


At 6:31 p.m. Gozur moved, Kalitzky seconded to return to public session. Roll Call: Ayes: Coleman, DeHaai, Gozur, Kalitzky, Pyle, Roser, Hitchins. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Also present: Superintendent Dr. Kristen Weikle, Assistant Superintendent Michelle Lamboley, Chief Financial Officer Martin Hickman, Attorney for the District M. Curt Richardson, Executive Director of Operations Joe Adelman, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Dr. Kristal Shelvin, Director of Human Resources Roger Baldwin, Director of Communications/Community Relations Dayna Brown, Clerk of the Board Emily Sargent, Assistant Human Resources Director Megan Peterson, Human Resources Manager Monica Wilks, Principal Sarah Edwards, Principal Adam Zbrozek, Associate Principal Brett Pappocia, Associate Principal Angie Codron, and Director of Safety and Security Shane Hill.



A Good News - NCHS Bradley Ross Jackson

Adam Zbrozek recognized Mr. Bradley Ross Jackson, a NCHS student who has been awarded the NAACP Image Award. He is the youngest winner of the award.

B Good News - Cedar Ridge

Heather Rogers recognized the Cedar Ridge Diversity Club. The club is led by 4th grade teacher Latavia Jordan and LBS1 Leslie Kokotek. At the weekly meetings, discuss and plan activities for our school that helps to educate, elevate and celebrate the many differences that make up the faces of Cedar Ridge Elementary.

C Good News - EJHS Black History Essay Contest Awardees

Brett Papoccia recognized two Evans' students who won the City of Bloomington and the Bloomington Human Relations Commission Black History Essay Contest.

D Good News - EJHS Chess

Brett Papoccia honored the Evans Jr. High School chess team for their tremendous success, including two state championships for the 6th grade team and 7th grade team.

E Good News - Grove Elementary: P. Pommier, C. Williams, V. Zaidi

Sarah Edwards recognized three of her staff members. Patrick Pommier, a physical education teacher at Grove, for going above and beyond, including designing two separate behavioral incentive programs for students. Cameo Williams is a third grade teacher at Grove Elementary, for planning and organizing a Clothing Caring Closet for student teachers to visit and obtain professional clothing that they might need as they start their career. Viola Zaidi, a noon hour supervisor at Grove, for regularly going above and beyond in her position.

F Good News - NCWHS Mock Trail

Angie Codron recognized the Normal West Mock Trial for competing in the state championship and went on to win 2nd place overall in the state of Illinois.


Weikle started with congratulated the West Esports tean who won four sectional championships and will be competing in the state championship this weekend. Unit 5 has been named Best Communities for Music Education designation from The National Association of Music Merchants Foundation for the second year in a row.

This weekend the Unit 5 Educational Foundation will hold the 5k run/walk. There is still time to sign up for the event. More information can be found on the Unit 5 website.

She shared that this month we recognize and celebrate a number of employee groups. April is National Occupational Therapy Month. Unit 5 has a number of occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants who support students' learning, self-care, and social skills. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of students.

She also said that this week is National Library Week. Our school libraries provide students spaces to collaborate, study, and read for school and enjoyment. Thank you to all the Unit 5 IMC Specialists for all you do for students and staff.

Today is Administrative Professionals Day. Our administrative professionals support and assist students, families, and staff. Thank you for your dedication to Unit 5 and helping keep our schools running smoothly.

She also wanted to publicly recognize the amazing work our staff does to ensure that students are able to learn and grow. Each employee contributes to the education and success of our students. Two weeks from now will mark 75 years that Unit 5 has officially been a district. On May 8, 1948, voters approved the formation of a school district that is today known as Unit 5. The district includes 11 congressional townships and serves parts of Bloomington, all of Carlock, Hudson, Normal, and Towanda and rural areas surrounding each of these communities. We will have a special community celebration this summer to celebrate our 75 years and the rich history of Unit 5.

Today the Illinois State Board of Education Superintendent, Dr. Tony Sanders, visited Unit 5. Normal West held a super region meeting for school leaders to meet Dr. Sanders and hear from him. Prior to starting at the Illinois State Board of Education in February of this year, Dr. Sanders was the superintendent of U-46 which is the 2nd largest district in the State of Illinois. She reconized previous board members in the audience tonight, Meta, Mike, and John.

She thanked the two members on the board, Alan Kalitzky and Barry Hitchins for all they have done. She also congatulated Mark Adams and Alex Williams for their election to the board.


Margaret Lehr. Topic: Recognized the NCWHS Girls Wrestling Team.

Jade Lamar Hursey. Topic: Appreciation for the community turnout during the election

Nicole Nichols. Topic: recognized Administrative Assistant Day and honored all of the amazing work our EOPs do each day.


A Requests for Information Pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act The District has received and processed the following requests for information:

1 FOIA List 04.26.23


Weikle reviewed and recommended the following consent agenda items for approval.

A Approval of Minutes

Minutes are not released for public viewing until approved by the Board of Education

1 04.11.23 Special Session Closed

2 04.11.23 Regular Session

3 03.15.23 Regular Session

B Approve Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes of Meetings Lawfully Closed According to the Exceptions Provided in the Open Meetings Act

C Approve of Destruction of Audio Recordings of Closed Minute Sessions from April 1, 2019 through September 30, 2019.

D Personnel Matters

E Approve Finance Department Reports

1 Financial Statements - Feb 2023

2 Financial Statements - Mar 2023

F Approve Board Policies, Administrative Procedures, and Exhibits

1 Section 2: Board of Education

a. Policy 2.20 Powers and Duties of the Board; Indemnification

b. Policy 2.30 School District Elections

c. Policy 2.50 Board Member Term of Office

d. Policy 2.100 Board Member Conflict of Interest

e. Policy 2.105 Ethics and Gift Ban

f. Policy 2.250 Access to District Public Records

g. Administrative Procedure 2.250-AP1 Access To and Copying of District Public Records

2 Section 3 - General School Administration

a. Policy 3.10 Goals and Objectives

b. Policy 3.60 Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal

c. Exhibit 3.30-E1 Organizational Chart for Administration

3 Section 5 - Personnel

a. Policy 5.10 Equal Employment Opportunity

b. Policy 5.190 Teacher Qualifications

c. Policy 5.200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

4 Section 6: Instruction

a. Policy 6.65 Student Social and Emotional Development

b. Policy 6.255 Assemblies and Ceremonies

c. Policy 6.270 Guidance and Counseling Program

5 Section 7: Students

a. Policy 7.285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program

G Approve Requests for Authorization to Use Fire Prevention and Safety Funds

1 Ten Year Surveys - Sugar Creek, CJHS, and KJHS

H Renew Illinois Elementary School Association Membership for Chiddix, Evans, Kingsley, Parkside Junior High Schools for 2023-2024

I Approve Website Contract

J Approve Donation Requests

K Approve Overnight Trip Requests

L Student Activity Fund Establishments

Gozur moved, Kalitzky seconded to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll Call: Ayes: Coleman, DeHaai, Gozur, Kalitzky, Pyle, Roser, Hitchins. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Current board members thanked each of the departing board members.

Outgoing members Hitchins and Kalitzky gave parting thoughts on their departure

from the board.


Curt Richardson presented the certified abstract of votes cast at the Consolidated Election held on April 4, 2023 for McLean County Community Unit School District No. 5. The following abstract was received from McLean County Clerk Kathy Michael for Members of the Board of Education:

Amy Roser received 12,323 votes, 4 year term

Kelly Pyle received 11,729 votes, 4 year term

Alex Williams received 11,184 votes, 4 year term

Mark Stephen Adams II received 9,467 votes, 4 year term


Gozur moved, Coleman seconded to appoint Attorney for the District Curt Richardson as Temporary Chair following adjournment sine die until election of a new Board President. Roll Call: Ayes: Coleman, DeHaai, Gozur, Kalitzky, Pyle, Roser, Hitchins. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Hitchins moved, Roser seconded to adjourn sine die. Roll Call: Ayes: Coleman, DeHaai, Gozur, Kalitzky, Pyle, Roser, Hitchins. Nays: None. Motion carried.


A Administer Board Member Oath

B Roll Call

Members present: Mark Adams II, Kentrica Coleman, Jeremy DeHaai, Stan Gozur, Kelly Pyle, Amy Roser, Alex Williams. Members absent: None.

Administer Board Member Code of Conduct

All Board members read the Board Member Code of Conduct.

C Election of Officers

1 Election for Office of Board President

Richardson announced that nominations were in order for the office of President.

Gozur nominated Pyle. Since there were no other nominations for the office, Richardson closed the nominations and declared Pyle elected by acclamation as President of the Board.

2 Election for Office of Vice President

Richardson announced that nominations were in order for the office of Vice President. Coleman nominated DeHaai. Since there were no other nominations for the office, Richardson closed the nominations and declared DeHaai elected by acclamation as Vice President of the Board.

3 Election for Office of Secretary

Richardson announced that nominations were in order for the office of Secretary.

Roser nominated Gozur. Since there were no other nominations for the office, Richardson closed the nominations and declared Gozur elected by acclamation as Secretary of the Board.


A Solar Presentation

Joe Adelman gave a brief history of Unit 5 solar project journey. It began with energy update projects and continued through different stages to find energy savings. He introduced West from Halo Solar and John from Farnsworth group who discussed the potential upcoming solar project that will not cost the district any amount of money. During the initial meeting, the district chose 4 building to look at and see if the buildings can support the solar panels.

West discussed that the project would be at no cost to the district but would provide savings to the district. Halo would be tied to the project for 25 years which includes, monitoring, check ups, maintenance, etc. He went through the projects – Northpoint (there will be two meters so they will be considered separate projects) the main building would save the district over $220,000 and the addition would save the district almost $85,000, the bus barn which would be partially ground mounted would save the district almost $900,000, the warehouse which would save the district almost $710,000. The savings would total almost $2million for the lifetime of the contract for the district.

Installation would take about 3 months and if agreed upon would be scheduled to happen this summer. There would be one power outage during installation.


Weikle reviewed and recommended the following consent agenda items for approval.

A Proclamation for Staff Appreciation Week, May 8-12, 2023

B Approve 2022-2023 Last Day of School

C Approve 2023-2024 Selection of Day, Hour, and Place for Board Meetings Wednesdays


The official meeting place is Normal West High School, 501 North Parkside Road, Normal, Illinois.

D Approve 2023-2024 Board of Education Regular Meeting Schedule

Roll Call: Ayes: Adams, Coleman, DeHaai, Gozur, Roser, Williams, Pyle. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Incoming board members, Adams and Williams shared thoughts on joining the school board. Current board members welcomed each of the new board members.


At 9:01 pm., the Board meeting was adjourned.
