
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Gridley Village Board met May 1

Village of Gridley Village Board met May 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gridley was held at the Village Hall on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Susan Laiming opened with a word of prayer.

President Benedict called the meeting to order and directed the Clerk to call roll, and upon roll call, the following Trustees answered present: Michael Finck, Richard Martin, Susan Laiming, Jay Kiefer and Mick Finck. Quorum present. Employees Mark Peterson and Jen Hany were present.

Jeff asked if there were any corrections or additions to the April meeting minutes. There were none. Jay made a motion to approve the minutes and Michael seconded the motion. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Board reviewed the “Bills received by Clerk.” There were no additions. Mick made a motion to approve the bills and Michael seconded the motion. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Board reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. After discussion, Susan made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Jay seconded. All present answered in favor.

Jeff Benedict asked the board if there was any old business. There was none.

Mick made a motion to adjourn. Susan seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Kiefer yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Newly elected trustee, Kevin Krones was administered his oath of office for service on the board of trustees.

President Benedict called the meeting to order and directed the Clerk to call roll, and upon roll call, the following Trustees answered present: Michael Finck, Richard Martin, Susan Laiming, Kevin Krones, Jay Kiefer and Mick Finck. Quorum present.

Kathy Ellis, ESDA Director, was present at the meeting. She asked for the boards input and assistance in finding ESDA members and storm spotters.

Jeff reported that Funky Brew had requested an extension of lease to give them more time to complete the work on the building at 102 E. Third. After discussion, Michael made a motion to approve a 6-month lease extension with Funky Brew, ending on November 30, 2023. Susan seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea and Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Richard reported that the village has three gate valves for the water system on Livingston Steet that need to be replaced. Philip obtained quotes from G.A. Rich and from Opperman Construction. The G.A. Rich bid was lower at $24,300.00. After discussion, Richard made a motion to approve G.A. Rich’s quote for $24,300.00. Jay seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea and Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Katie Bachelor spoke to the board about the possibility of allowing a group she is working with to close off Center Street between 3rd and 4th on July 13, July 27, August 10 and August 24 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a Farmers’ Market. She also asked for a donation to support costs involved in getting it set up. After discussion, Mick made a motion to approve the closing of Center Street at the requested times and to donate $1,000.

Kevin seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea and Mick Finck yea. Motion carried.

Mick made a motion to adjourn. Richard seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea and Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.
