
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Gridley Village Board met July 6

Village of Gridley Village Board met July 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gridley was held at the Village Hall on Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. President Benedict opened with a word of prayer.

President Benedict called the meeting to order and directed the Clerk to call roll, and upon roll call, the following Trustees answered present: Michael Finck, Richard Martin, Kevin Krones, Jay Kiefer and Mick Finck. Absent was Susan Laiming. Quorum present. Employee Mark Peterson was present.

Jeff asked if there were any corrections or additions to the June meeting minutes. There were none. Mick made a motion to approve the minutes and Kevin seconded the motion. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Board reviewed the “Bills received by Clerk.” There were no additions. Michael made a motion to approve the bills and Richard seconded the motion. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

The board reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. After discussion, Kevin made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Michael seconded. All present answered in favor.

Michael presented the July 2023-July 2024 Employee Health Insurance Plan Renewal Agreement. The cost has increased by $109/month. Michael made a motion to approve the Agreement. Jay seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

At the direction of Andrews Engineering, Jay made a motion to void Resolutions R-2023-2 and R-2023-3 because the State did not want the Motor Fuel dollars and ReBuild Illinois dollars on two different resolutions. Mick seconded the motion. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Jay presented Resolution R-2023-4 for street maintenance including Spray Patch to be put out for bids and to be paid from Rebuild Illinois Funds. After discussion, Jay made a motion to pass Resolution R-2023-4. Kevin seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea and Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Michael presented a draft budget to the trustees for their review and comments. The budget hearing notice has been published and the Budget Ordinance will be passed at the August 7 board meeting.

Jeff reported that the certificate of deposit interest rate has doubled lately so his recommendation is to renew our current CDs ahead of schedule, take the small penalty and get the benefit of the higher rate. We will also look at adding to the current CDs where possible since the new rates are for 6 months.

Jay brought to the board’s attention the wooden play structure at Westview Park that has nails popped in many places. After discussion, the trustees’ general consensus was to take it down.

Jeff reported that the pool managers need to throw away some old chairs. They would like to have 6-8 new ones that match the ones purchased in 2021. After discussion, Jay made a motion to purchase 8 new pools chairs at approximately $234 each. Kevin seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea and Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Jessica Romersberger, Abby Kessinger, Heidi Kiefer and Becca Tribley attended the meeting to provide the board with some additional information they had gathered regarding splash pads.

Jay reported that annual spray patch work is being done this week. Jay also reported that McLean County Asphalt was the low bidder for the street work to be done this summer/fall.

Mick asked the trustees to look at the trees in the city park and offer an opinion on whether they need to be cut or trimmed.

Lori Hardman and Traci Wettstein attended the meeting to inquire about getting a special event liquor license for a mobile bar for Christkindl in December.

Mick made a motion to adjourn. Jay seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Martin-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea and Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.
