Town of Chatsworth Board of Trustee met July 25.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Official proceedings of the Board of Trustee’s, Town of Chatsworth, held in the Town council room at 7:00PM
Roll call showed the following present: Trustees Schroen, Cavanagh, and Harn. Also, present: President Runyon, Clerk Meyer, Treasurer Dassow, Superintendent Harn. Absent: Trustee Price, Nelson, Bell, Superintendent Mogged, Chief Cavanagh and Heather Tatro.
A motion by Trustee Schroen and seconded by Trustee Harn to approve the agenda. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Schroen to approve the minutes from the previous regular board meeting. Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
Correspondence/Public Issues
Police Department Reports
Attorney Reports
Old Business
Ditch Dredging: Hornstone’s provided a quote and waiting on one from Lee Excavating.
New Business
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Schroen to approve the insurance quote of $56,981 for 2023-2024.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Harn and seconded by Trustee Schroen to purchase a commercial weed eater in the amount of $311.99.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas.
A motion by Trustee Harn and seconded by Trustee Schroen to purchase a commercial leaf blower in the amount of $199.99.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Harn and seconded by Trustee Schroen to purchase a new trash pump in the amount of $333.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Schroen to purchase the replacement parts for the equipment at the town park in the amount of $1,782.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yea
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Harn to purchase new park equipment not to exceed $5,600.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yea
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Schroen to purchase 15 delineator rubber base weights in the amount of $184.35.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Harn to purchase 2 new polyamide urns from Hahn Industries in the amount of $297.50.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yea
President Runyon spoke briefly on what it would take to fix 600 road.
President Runyon reported the part time employees started and are doing a great job.
Treasurer Dassow reported receiving the draft audit and scheduling them to present it August 22.
Superintendent Harn reported having another water main break and finally receiving meters so we can move forward with getting them changed out.
Clerk Meyer reported Superintendent Harn having his evaluation and receiving a 3% merit increase.
A motion by Trustee Harn and seconded by Trustee Schroen to pay the bills.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas
A motion by Trustee Cavanagh and seconded by Trustee Harn to adjourn the meeting at 8:20PM.
Board of Trustee vote: 4 Yeas