
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Gridley Village Board met Jan. 4

Webp 10

Gridley Village Hall | Village of Gridley

Gridley Village Hall | Village of Gridley

Village of Gridley Village Board met Jan. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gridley was held at the Village Hall on Thursday, January 4, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Richard Martin opened with a word of prayer.

Jay Kiefer called the meeting to order and directed the Clerk to call roll, and upon roll call, the following Trustees answered present: Richard Martin, Susan Laiming, Kevin Krones, Jay Kiefer and Mick Finck. Quorum present. Employee Jen Hany was also present.

Jay asked if there were any corrections or additions to the December meeting minutes. There were none. Kevin made a motion to approve the minutes and Richard seconded the motion. Roll call: Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. Motion carried.

Board reviewed the “Bills received by Clerk.” There were no additions. Mick made a motion to approve the bills and Susan seconded the motion. Roll call: Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Trustees reviewed the Treasurer’s report. After discussion, Susan made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Kevin seconded. All trustees answered in the affirmative.

Village Clerk presented the 2024 cash farm lease with Special K Hog Farm for the 10 acres adjacent to the sewer plant for consideration. The annual cash rent shall be the sum of $2,950.00. This represents 10 acres of cropland at $295.00 per acre. Susan made a motion to renew the annual cash farm lease. Mick seconded. Roll call: Martin yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Kevin presented a quote from Midwest Repair for two new rear tires for the backhoe. The cost of $3,464 includes travel, replacing valve stems, removing old tires and installing new tires. Kevin made a motion to accept the quote from Midwest Repair. Richard seconded. Roll call: Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Mick mentioned that Kevin Yergler would like to plant trees along the west side of the cemetery property. We will ask Kevin for details as to location, varieties, cost, etc. and consider at the next board meeting.

7:15 p.m. Susan made a motion to recess for a zoning hearing. Kevin seconded. Roll call: Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Mick read the Notice of Public Hearing for re-zoning, requesting zoning change from Agricultural to Single Family Residential for parcel no. 02-04-252-018 East of 9th and 10th streets. Tim Turner presented information for the board’s consideration when developing the property. No objections were received. Zoning hearing was closed.

Susan made a motion to resume regular session. Richard seconded. Roll call: Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Mick made a motion to pass Ordinance #653 – Ordinance Changing Zoning Classification. Susan seconded. Roll call: Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.

Mick made a motion to adjourn. Susan seconded. Roll call: Martin-yea, Laiming-yea, Krones-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
