Golden Prairie Public Library | Golden Prairie Public Library
Golden Prairie Public Library | Golden Prairie Public Library
Golden Prairie Public Library District Board of Trustees met Dec. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
President Anderson called the regular meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
II. Roll Call
Trustees Present: Stephen Peterson, Jim Russell, Patti Salch, Kathy Vroman, Stephanie Walden, Ary Anderson
Others Present: Nan Goerlitz, Jeanne Hamilton, Kathy Jeakins
Absent: Ruth Novosad
III. Introductions
There were no introductions.
IV. Public Comments
There were no public comments.
V. President’s Report
There was no report.
VI. Approval of Minutes
A. November 20, 2024 Regular Meeting
Patti Salch’s name was misspelled in the Comments from Trustees section. The minutes were approved as corrected.
VII. Staff Reports
A. Director’s Report: Jeanne passed around the architectural issue of Library Journal magazine which features some pictures of the Bloomington Public Library. She shared that the library is a finalist for the Chamber Business Excellence Non-Profit Award, and the winner will be announced on February 8, 2025, at the annual gala.
Jeanne mentioned that a group of library retirees contacted her wanting to celebrate former staff member Phyllis Wallace’s 95th birthday. Phyllis worked at the Bloomington Public Library for 55 years. The group worked with the library to donate a plaque to display by one of the children’s programming rooms and hold a celebration at the library.
Marcie Shaffer started as the Adult Services Manager. The library is hoping to post the open Assistant Director position very soon. Jeanne shared that the library has purchased a live translation mobile device to assist in staff communications with the public. Also, a virtual library tour and an exterior drone video have been added to our website.
Jeanne stated she has a meeting with Rivian Thursday to discuss a potential vehicle donation to the library.
A question came up about the survey done by the Leadership McLean County group. Jeanne indicated she sent a reminder out to the Golden Prairie cardholders right before this meeting. She does not have information on how many responses the group has gotten yet.
B. Outreach Report: There was no report.
C. Financial Report: Kathy Jeakins stated that the reports are in the packet.
VIII. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
IX. New Business
A. Approve Budget Transfer
Stephanie Walden Moved, And Stephen Peterson Seconded To Approve A Budget Transfer Of $120.00 From The Miscellaneous Line To The Travel Line To Cover Costs Related To Board Members Attending The Ila Legislative Meet-Up.
YAYS: Stephen Peterson, Jim Russell, Patti Salch, Kathy Vroman, Stephanie Walden, Ary Anderson
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Ruth Novosad
B. Discuss 7-Month CD (expiring 1/29/25) and Potential Capital Project Donations: Discussion centered around moving the money into the checking account for increased flexibility. A decision will be made at the January meeting.
C. Discussion of Per Capita Grant Requirements – Part 3: Jeanne Hamilton reviewed portions of Serving Our Public 4.0: Standards for Illinois Public Libraries.
X. Comments from Board Trustees
Jim Russell commented that he was happy to have the chance to go to the ILA Legislative Meet-Up. Ary Anderson mentioned that Stephen Peterson is the only candidate on the upcoming ballot, so the Board should be thinking about who they want to appoint to fill the other vacancy.
XI. Reminder
A. Next Board Meeting is January 15, 2025
XII. Adjournment
Ary Anderson adjourned the meeting at 6:06 pm.