
McLean County Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

McLean County Unit School District 5 Board of Education met Jan. 15

Webp 6

Kelly Pyle - Board President | McLean County Unit District 5

Kelly Pyle - Board President | McLean County Unit District 5

McLean County Unit School District 5 Board of Education met Jan. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A McLean County Unit District No. 5 Board of Education meeting was held Wednesday, January 15, 2025, beginning at - 6:32 pm at the Normal West High School, 501 N Parkside Rd, Normal, IL 61761.


Members present: Mark Adams, Kentrica Coleman, Stan Gozur, Kelly Pyle, Amy Roser, Alex Williams, Jeremy DeHaai. Members absent: None.


Recommended motion: At 5:32 pm Stan Gozur moved and Kelly Pyle seconded to adjourn to closed session to discuss the following matter according to the exceptions provided in the Open Meetings Act and specified as follows:

•2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

•2(c)(11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent.

Roll Call: Ayes: Adams, Coleman, Gozur, Pyle, Roser, Williams, DeHaai. Nays: None Motion carried.

Kentrica Coleman entered the room at 5:37 pm

Curt Richardson, Dr. Weikle, and Sandy Kohlhase exited the room at 5:50 pm.


At 6:24 pm the Board recessed to public session


At 6:32 pm Kentrica Coleman moved and Kelly Pyle seconded to return to public session. Roll Call: Ayes: Adams, Coleman, Gozur, Pyle, Roser, Williams, DeHaai. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Also present: Superintendent Dr. Kristen Weikle, Assistant Superintendent Michelle Lamboley, Chief Financial Officer Martin Hickman, Attorney for the District M. Curt Richardson, Director of Human Resources Heather Rogers, Executive Director of Operations Joe Adelman, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Dr. Kristal Shelvin, Director of Communications/Community Relations Dayna Brown, Substitute Clerk of the Board Sandy Kohlhase.



A. Celebrated that Brigham Early Learning Center has a new mascot, The Brigham Bees

B. Grove Good News Announcements

• Recognized Grove staff for their actions during a medical emergency. During the month of November, a first grade student experienced a significant medical emergency within the classroom setting. Several members of the Grove team jumped into action, including Nikki Dillow, Betsy Hartung, Susy Marcum, Lisa Thornton, and Michele Kinley, all played a critical role in supporting students and providing medical attention.

• Honored Grove staff who helped when a second grade student encountered a choking incident during lunch, also in November. The student notified her grandmother, Kathy Stephens, who is a noon hour supervisor. Kathy started attending to the student and motioned for Viola Zaidi, the lead noon hour supervisor at Grove, who successfully performed the heimlich maneuver.

• Recognized nurse Susy Marcum, who aided a student who had a severe allergic reaction at an after-school event at Grove in December.


A. Dr. Weikle commented that it is always a pleasure to hear about our good news reports.

B. Dr. Weikle said she hoped students, staff, and families had a healthy and enjoyable winter break. Not everyone was off during this time though. During the break, our dedicated custodial and maintenance teams completed several important projects. This included replacing aging ovens in four of our schools, two of which dated back to the 1950s. They also repaired and replaced critical parts of a walk-in cooler, a water heater, and a sewer line. Additionally, they conducted a thorough cleaning throughout the district to ensure a fresh start for the new semester.

C. A year ago, Unit 5 was in the midst of updating our strategic plan. This plan serves as a roadmap to guide our district's efforts in achieving our mission: "Educating each student to achieve personal excellence." Each month she will highlight a different aspect of the plan. Tonight, she reviewed the core mission. Our mission of educating each student to achieve personal excellence signifies a commitment to nurturing the unique potential of every student in our district.

D. This week, she had the pleasure of speaking with students from the Intro to Education class at Normal West and Normal Community, several of whom were in attendance. Our Intro to Education program offers students a unique opportunity to explore the diverse roles within our school system. They gain valuable firsthand experience by observing and assisting in classrooms across the district. This invaluable exposure helps students determine their career paths within education, including their preferred role and age group. She hopes that some of them will choose to return to Unit 5 to share their talents with our community. She offered thanks to the hard work of our teachers, counselors, and administrators, our Intro to Education program is an approved pathway from the Illinois State Board of Education, 16 students were at the Board meeting tonight.

E. As we navigate the winter weather, she wants to share how we determine whether to have in-person learning, utilize e-learning, or declare an emergency/snow day. Our preference is for students to learn in person whenever possible. When severe weather such as extremely cold temperatures, snow, or ice is anticipated, we closely collaborate with the National Weather Service out of Lincoln for accurate and up-to-date weather forecasts; local emergency management agencies to assess road conditions and community safety; and the county, town and city to gather local perspectives on weather impacts. This approach is important as Unit 5 covers many square miles so conditions can be very different across the district.

If weather conditions are not conducive to in-person learning we must decide whether to have an e-learning or an emergency/snow day. Factors that are considered when determining if we are to utilize an e-learning day include if elementary devices were sent home with students, if we are coming off of a long break or weekend, if cold temperatures or ice have impacted connectivity in our area. Additionally, we consider the number of e-learning days already utilized within the school year, as the Illinois State Board of Education allows school districts to utilize up to the five e-learning days per school year. E-learning days do not need to be made up whereas traditional emergency snow days do need to be made up. We understand that e-learning days and emergency/snow days can present challenges for families and she shared she appreciates your understanding and support as we make weather related decisions

F. Dr. Weikle introduced Jennifer Mangruem, who was approved at the December board meeting, as the Principal of Grove Elementary School for the 2025-2026 school year. 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS

No one signed up for Public Comments


A. 1st Reading of 2025 - 2026 Calendar

Michelle Lamboley presented. She wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the first reading of the calendar and remind the board of how the process works. The Calendar Committee met in October and again in November. The committee is made up of a variety of staff from Pre K - 12, principals, district administrators, and a high school counselor so the committee tries to take into account information from all of these people. When making the decision about the calendar they do listen to requests from staff, parents and the Board of Education. They must also keep in mind all of the mandated student attendance days, required instructional hours, and the restricted number of institutes we can have in school improvement days so it does limit the number of changes which can be made. The committee felt it was important to talk through all of the points of the calendar and share it with the board and reassuring you they do hear things brought to them by the different groups of people.

One very positive thing was they added a third institute day. It is very beneficial. There was a request for more classroom time, but we reminded people that in order to take that day, the requirement from the state board of education is taking part of the day for training on mental health. There was positive feedback on the spacing and number of early release days. There was a question of combining them for a full day but that cannot happen because then they would not be counted as annual attendance days. Students attend for three hours on those days and because our students are in class more hours than required, it allows us to bank those hours and use those half days for school improvement. There was some discussion about state fairs, county fairs, etc. They looked at all of those dates and to try to avoid any impact for students, parents and staff. Finally there was discussion on the first day of school. They looked back at different calendars and saw that in 2015-16 we had started later and went past Memorial Day. Also a discussion was held on when the first day should be; the middle of the week for staff and students beginning the next week or staff at the beginning of the week and students for a partial week. Many people felt it was difficult for students to start the year with a full week so it was then decided to send out a survey with results suggesting the start day being the third week of August. A question arose to see if school could start on the 18th and still be done before Memorial Day. Ultimately the answer was no because the only way to do that would be to remove days from breaks. The committee was adamant about not removing days from breaks. Another discussion was held concerning progress conferences and seeing if that should be switched to evening. After researching this It was decided to keep it as is because of the impact switching to evening could cause for staff, parents, childcare needs, etc. Also the date was decided in November as a result of survey results. Another question was whether we could take the whole week of Thanksgiving off. This would mean adding days at the end of the year and the committee felt it would put a burden on our families with childcare and then three weeks later it is winter break. The decision was no.

Michelle asked if there were any questions. No questions were asked but Alex Williams thanked Michelle for the committee's work of due diligence. Kelly Pyle echoed those sentiments. Amy Roser wanted to recognize the unique collaborative process that was used. Kentrica asked about report card dates and how those are figured.

B. Facilities and Funding

Dr. Weikle started by saying over the past six months discussion has been held regarding our facility needs and how to maintain those needs and over the last 2 months discussion has been focused on how to fund those needs and options we have.Dr. Weikle recapped the reports on Unit 5 facilities needs and the short term and long term facility needs in the next 5, 6 to 10, and 11-15 years. We are also facing a shortage of instructional space because the needs of students have changed. Dr. Weikle showed a slide of known facility needs to just maintain current facilities. For the next 5 years it will be $52 million worth of work, 6 - 10 years $14 million worth of work and 11 - 15 years $8 million worth of work. The current revenue we have from property taxes is not enough to address those needs. In November discussion started regarding funding mechanisms to help offset and meet our needs and in December the board, along with most school districts in McLean County passed a resolution to put a county facility sales tax on the ballot in April. If approved, this measure would provide funding dedicated for specific purposes, specifically safety and security, mental health services, technology infrastructure, and facility needs. The revenue from the county facilities sales tax has the potential to reduce property taxes by providing an alternate funding source for school facilities. The way this works is now the funding needs are on the shoulders of the property tax owners in McLean county whereas the county facilities sales tax is generated by anyone making purchases in McLean County. There is also the option to be able to offset or abate property taxes for eligible expenses. The sales tax would be applied at a rate of 1 cent per $1 to retail purchases, such as restaurants, gasoline and online sales in the county, while exempting groceries, medications, farm equipment and certain other items. Revenue generated would be distributed based on student enrollment in McLean County public schools, with each district determining how best to allocate funds within the state's guidelines.

Discussion followed on how to meet revenue needs. Marty discussed the option of a $15 million health life safety bond to get us through 14 - 16 months of projects. That process will begin next month. The bond route will be a real estate tax funded option.

Discussion followed. Dr. Weikle summarized the discussion that was held. The board members unanimously pledged to provide property tax relief if the County Sales Tax Referendum passes. They would do so by abating/offsetting 1/3 of new revenue collected from the county sales tax to property owners for at least five years. This is consistent with what neighboring districts are discussing. Board members will take action on this in the form of a resolution at the Feb. 19 board meeting.

C. Requests for Information Pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act


D. Field Trips/Overnight Trips



Dr. Weikle reviewed and recommended the following consent agenda items for approval.

A. Approval of Minutes

Minutes are not released for public viewing until approved by the Board of Education

1. 12.18.24 Closed Session Minutes

2. 12.18.24 Regular Minutes

B. Personnel Matters

C. Payment of Bills and Payrolls

1. Bills & Payroll Reports

D. Approve Finance Department Reports

1. Financial Statements for November 2024

E. Activity Fund Dissolutions - Kingsley Junior High School, Normal Community West High School, Fox Creek Elementary School.

F Approve Board Policies, Administrative Procedures, and Exhibits

1. Ethics and Gift Ban

2. Section 4: Operational Services

a. Administrative Procedure - School Threat Assessment Teams

3. Section 5: Personnel

a. General Personnel - Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest

b. General Personnel - Personnel Records

c. Exhibit - Employee Request Form for Personnel Records (NEW)

d. Professional Personnel - Maintaining Student Discipline

4. Section 6: Instruction

a. Using Animals in the Educational Program

b. Administrative Procedure - Dissection of Animals

c. Exhibit - Guidelines and Application for Using Animals in School Facilities for Educational Purposes

5. Section 7: Students

a. Search and Seizure

b. Exhibit - Letter to Parents/Guardians Regarding the Right to Privacy in the School Setting Act

c. Administrative Procedure - Student Discipline Guidelines

d. Administrative Procedure - Student Re-Engagement Guidelines

e. Suspension Procedures

f. Administrative Procedure - School Student Records

G. Chiddix Junior High School Roof Replacement

H. Illinois Vision 2030

I. Unit Office Postage Machine Lease

Kentrica Coleman moved and Alex Williams seconded to accept the consent agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Ayes: Adams, Coleman, Gozur, Pyle, Roser, Williams, DeHaai. Nays: None. Motion carried.


Mark Adams: Last facilities meeting was held on 12-20. Attended the Bison Game on 1-11 for Unit 5 night. No PTAC since our last meeting, the next one is Feb. 18. No Unit 5 Foundation Meeting since our last board meeting. Unit 5 Foundation Luncheon will be held at Prairieland on Feb. 6. Congratulations to the Normal Marching Band for their performance in London last month.

Amy Roser: The Regional Planning Committee met. There is a public survey out about the Veterans Parkway study. She had an opportunity to teach and speak with the Unit 5 Education students last week.

Alex Williams: Welcome back everyone and hope you have a great semester. We had a facilities meeting. Participated in the Eastern Illinois Food Bank. Shout out to Dayna Brown for keeping everything in order for that.

Kentrica Coleman: Want to say Happy New Year and welcome back to everybody. We had our agenda call but no Policy Committee this month. There is a board meeting tomorrow for Beyond the Books. Our thoughts and prayers go out to anyone impacted by the California wildfires or the New Orleans events on New Years Day.

Kelly Pyle: Welcome back to everyone. The superintendent evaluation committee will meet with Dr. Weikle next week for the midterm feedback. The Curriculum Committee is scheduled to meet on January 30. Thank you to Amy for the reminder about the Veterans Parkway survey.

Stan Gozur: A Finance Committee meeting was held last Friday. Wanted to commend the staff and students' performance in the testimonial of events at one of our elementary schools.

Jeremy DeHaai: Wants to echo Stan's comments. Congratulations to the Brigham Bees on their new name. Had a facilities meeting on December 20. In our facilities meeting we had an update on solar projects. Talked about the Chiddix roof and roof repairs for Normal Community which is a temporary fix to buy us some time. (About a year). Joe, Tom, and the team are doing a lot of work using Omnia, the purchasing agreement, which is saving us a lot of architectural fees. Typically 10% on the projects. The board does appreciate that. Heard an update on projects done over Winter Break. Went over a donation given for an Eagle Scout project.


Kentrica Coleman moved and Alex Williams seconded to return to closed session. Roll Call: Ayes: Adams, Coleman, Gozur, Pyle, Roser, Williams, DeHaai. Nays: None Motion carried.


The Board adjourned at 7:58 pm.



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