Golden Prairie Public Library | Golden Prairie Public Library
Golden Prairie Public Library | Golden Prairie Public Library
Golden Prairie Public Library District Board of Trustees met Feb. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
President Anderson called the regular meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
II. Roll Call
Trustees Present: Ruth Novosad, Jim Russell, Patti Salch, Kathy Vroman, Stephanie Walden, Ary Anderson
Others Present: Nan Goerlitz, Jeanne Hamilton, Colleen Shaw, Karen Combs, Faith Frankeberger, Erin Jensen, Coleen Moore, Matthew Newell, Tierra Shickel, Renee Stolte
Absent: Stephen Peterson
III. Introductions
The group from Leadership McLean Group introduced themselves.
IV. Public Comments
There were no public comments.
V. Special Marketing Plan Work Session with Leadership McLean County
The group led a discussion of their draft proposal. They will adjust based on the feedback from the trustees.
VI. President’s Report
Ary Anderson stated that the CD is closed, and the money deposited in the money market account.
VII. Approval of Minutes
A. January 15, 2025 Regular Meeting
The minutes were approved as presented.
VIII. Staff Reports
A. Director’s Report: Jeanne stated that the Digital Equity Grant is open, and she will turn it in by the March 3 deadline for early review. The library is planning to purchase a new vehicle but has decided not to call it the techmobile. Jeanne and other key staff visited Gail Borden Public Library in Elgin, IL, to research their TechKnow Mobile. After seeing the size and use of that vehicle, staff believe the best use in Bloomington would be a vehicle that brings outreach and services (including technology) to other spaces (rather than on the providing services on the vehicle itself), often in partnership with community organizations. Jeanne shared that the library’s first ever Assistant Director is in the room, Colleen Shaw. Her current position of Circulation & Outreach Manager is posted, and Colleen will remain in that role until her replacement is hired.
B. Outreach Report: Colleen Shaw distributed new Bookmobile schedules covering March through August.
C. Financial Report: Jeanne stated highlighted a few points on the report.
IX. Unfinished Business
A. Discuss Potential Capital Project Donations – Discussion was tabled.
X. New Business
There was no new business.
XI. Comments from Board Trustees
Jim Russell worked with library staff to compile data for 2024, and he would like to discuss it at the next meeting. Ruth Novosad updated the board on the proposed rezoning and annexing of a Beecher Trails parcel.
XII. Reminder
A. Next Board Meeting is March 19, 2025
XIII. Adjournment
Ary Anderson adjourned the meeting at 6:47 pm.