
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Normal Planning Commission recommends zoning amendment for microbrewery

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Town of Normal Planning Commission met Thursday, Jan. 5.

Purpose of the Commission: To make recommendations to the Town Council concerning revisions to ordinances in regards to subdivision and zoning, in addition to revisions to the zoning map; to prepare and recommend to the Town Council a Comprehensive Plan; to review all proposed plats for new subdivision or re-subdivisions of land within the corporate limits or within a one and one-half mile radius of the corporate limits and make recommendations to the Town Council; and to review new and revised Planned Unit Developments as well as properties subject to the Town’s Site Plan Review process.

Here are the minutes as provided by Normal:


Members Physically Present:

Mr. Boser, Mr. McFarland, Mr. Zimmerman, Ms. Hosea, and Mr. Broad

Members Absent:

Mr. Matejka

Others Present:

Ms. Davison, Town Planner, Mr. Troemel, Director of Inspections, Mr. Day, Corporation Counsel, and Ms. Elgin, Office Associate

Call to Order:

Chairman Boser called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and noted that a quorum was present.

Approval of Minutes:

Mr. Broad noted that Mr. Troemel’s title was listed as Directory of Inspections instead of Director of Inspections.

Mr. Broad moved, seconded by Ms. Hosea, to approve minutes of the September 8, 2016, meeting with the above correction. Motion carried 5-0.

Public Hearings:

a. 17-01-01-PC: Zoning Text Amendment (Microbrewery with Class P License)

Ms. Davison reviewed the staff report regarding a proposed zoning text amendment to add the “P” liquor license to the permitted uses in M-l zoning district. White Oak Brewery is located in M-1 zoning district and wish to have limited retail sales. This doesn’t fit in the current M-1 uses. There is no full kitchen. This is a new liquor license classification. The text amendment is to allow what is permitted in the “P” license in M-1 zoning districts. Parking requirements are low for M-1 zoning, so in these instances, parking will be calculated separately for the taproom area. Council initiated the text amendment in November.

Mr. Troemel said that there are limited amount of servings, and they are limited to serving what is produced on site.

Mr. Broad asked about the proximity to residential areas. Ms. Davison said that it had been debated whether to make this a permitted use or special use in M-1. The P license restrictions are already tight. They don’t feel there is any impact to neighboring properties. Mr. Broad asked if it was for any M-1 district. Mr. Troemel said yes, there are minimum setbacks for liquor licenses and they meet the setbacks. Ms. Davison said that there are some areas that are close to residential districts. The liquor license regulates this.

Mr. McFarland asked about the serving limits. Mr. Day said that they had surveyed other communities and three was the standard. Mr. McFarland asked if any of the other licenses were this restrictive. Mr. Day said that this is one of the more restrictive with limited hours and no video gaming allowed. Mr. McFarland asked if there were legal issues due to the Town telling them how to run their business. Mr. Day said that we are allowed to tell them how to run their business in this regard.

Ms. Davison said that the liquor code goes through Council. Mr. Troemel said that business are monitored with regard to adhering to the liquor code.

Chairman Boser said that tap rooms probably have methods to track consumption. There was discussion on serving limits. Ms. Davison said that they are also under State regulations for microbreweries.

Mr. Brian Ballard, White Oak Brewery, 1801 Industrial Park Dr., Normal, IL, was sworn in by Chairman Boser. Mr. Ballard said that the “P” license was similar to Naperville’s code and they are comfortable with it. They have packaged goods also. They only have 700 sq. ft. for the taproom. They will use tickets to track consumption. They also use the squares system for tracking sales.

Mr. Troemel asked how the package sales had been. Mr. Ballard said it had gone well over the holidays. Mr. Zimmerman asked if the packaged product would be on site. Mr. Ballard said yes and there will be draft on site.

Mr. Troemel said that this is a unique site. There is a joint tenant. If there are any problems, the neighbor will contact us.

There was no one else to speak regarding the application and the public hearing was closed.

Mr. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Mr. McFarland, to recommend approval of the staff recommendation to Council.

Ayes: Mr. McFarland, Mr. Zimmerman, Ms. Hosea, Mr. Broad and Mr. Boser Nays: None Motion declared carried.

Other Business:



There being no further business, Mr. Broad moved, seconded by Ms. Hosea, to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sheila Elgin Office Associate