
McLean County Times

Sunday, January 26, 2025

McLean County Board Executive Committee Met June 9

Webp meeting 02

McLean County Board Executive Committee met June 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The Executive Committee of the McLean County Board met at 4:30 p.m. in Room 404, Government Center, 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois.

Members Present: Chairman John McIntyre (Present), Members Jim Soeldner, George Gordon, William Caisley, Susan Schafer, Laurie Wollrab, Josh Barnett and Catherine Metsker – Metsker joined at 4:34 (Members Via Remote Attendance)

Members Absent: Member Chuck Erickson

Other Board Members Present:

Staff Present: Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator; Cassy Taylor, Assistant County Administrator; Cathy Dreyer Assistant County Administrator, Mr. Donald Knapp, State’s Attorney, Ms. Samantha Vazquez, Assistant State’s Attorney;

Department Heads/ Elected Officials Present: Mr. Craig Nelson, Information Technologies Director; Mr. Will Scanlon, Circuit Court

Others Present:

Chairman McIntyre called to order a meeting of the Executive Committee at 4:30 p.m. and asked for a attendance to be taken as he had been informed that new mandate requires that votes and attendance be roll call and verbal.

Chairman McIntyre presented the minutes from the May 19, 2020 special meeting and June 9, 2020 regular meeting of the Executive Committee for approval.

Motion by Soeldner/Gordon to approve the minutes from the May 19, 2020 special meeting and June 9, 2020 regular meeting of the Executive Committee.

Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote All Members present voted aye (Metsker not present)

Chairman McIntyre confirmed there were no appearances by members of the public.

Chairman McIntyre stated there were no appointments or reappointments for approval.

Mr. McIntyre presented on behalf of Craig Nelson and the Information Technology Department a request to approve an agreement with MTG to issue and evaluate a Request for Information. Ms. Wollrab pointed out that the travel information in the contract was contradictory as one section stated that amount includes travel expenses and another section indicates that it does not include travel expenses. Mr. Nelson indicated he would have that updated and brought to Stand up. Ms. Wollrab asked about the additional cost of summary and why we need that. Mr. Nelson stated that the summary is the evaluation of responses that come in and delivering that to the Executive Committee and County Board. Ms. Schafer stated that she wanted to remove the summary section of the proposal and have our staff and members of the work group review the information and develop a summary. Mr. Soeldner asked for Mr. Nelson’s opinion on the Amendment. Mr. Nelson stated that they could approach it this way and approach Mr. Kallin for evaluation later if we feel we need it. He stated that Mr. Kalin has experience that he did not feel the work group has, but would depend on the responses that we receive. Ms. Metsker stated that she agreed with Member Schafer as she did not feel the consultant should provide the summary. Mr. Gordon asked if the Committee could amend the contract and if we want to amend it then have it re-drafted and bring back to stand up. Mr. McIntyre indicated that he felt we could put forth a contract that is amended. Mr. Nelson stated that he agreed with Mr. Gordon that he would take the requested changes to Mr. Kaelin and if he agrees then re-draft the document and bring it to stand up. Ms. Schafer stated that she was ok taking it back to Mr. Kaelin but that if he did not agree with changes she would have additional questions. Mr. McIntyre let Ms. Metsker know that all votes had to be done by roll call.

Motion by Schafer/Metsker to Amend contract to change Task 1.5 to say “Review the RFI with the work group” and not “County” and then remove Task 2 and the costs associated with Task 2.

Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote: All members present voted aye including Chairman McIntyre (Member Caisley had technical difficulty but at the end of the meeting indicated voted in the affirmative)

Motion by Wollrab/Barnett to recommend approval of an agreement with MTG to issue and evaluate a Request for Information as amended.

Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote: All members present voted aye including Chairman McIntyre (Member Caisley had technical difficulty but at the end of the meeting indicated voted in the affirmative)

Mr. Gordon asked if this would go to Board as amended. Ms. Schafer asked if it could go to Stand up. Mr. McIntyre indicated they would see if they could get in touch with Mr. Kaelin before then to take to Stand up.

Chairman McIntyre presented on behalf of BHCC Supervisor’s unit a request to approve a Resolution Amending the Funded Full Time Equivalent Position Resolution for Fiscal Year 2020 Fund 007. Ms. Wollrab asked for estimate of cost savings for a year of having this switched from contract to in-house employee. Ms. Malott indicated that the annual cost savings is about $55,000. Ms. Wollrab asked if that includes benefits and administrative charges. Ms. Malott indicated that it did. Ms. Malott also indicated that the supervisor has already been allocating time to work performed in this position. Ms. Wollrab stated she was a little concerned about bringing on county positions at this time when we are not sure what our revenue stream is going to be in the next year. Ms. Malott stated that we have not been fully staffed for this position with the contractor and one of the contracted positions is leaving at the end of the month and so we are down to less than 2 FTE’s for this position and so number of positions that it would impact is less than what we would hire for and would save $55,000.

Motion by Schafer/Gordon to recommend approval of a Resolution Amending the Funded Full Time Equivalent Position Resolution for Fiscal Year 2020 Fund 007.

Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote: All present members voted aye including Chairman McIntyre (Member Caisley had technical difficulty but at the end of the meeting indicated voted in the affirmative)

Mr. Jim Soeldner, Chairman of the Finance Committee indicated they had nothing to present for action today but would have items for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked him.

Ms. Susan Schafer, Chairman of the Health Committee indicated they had nothing for action today but would have items for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked her.

Ms. Laurie Wollrab, Vice Chairman of the Land Use and Development Committee indicated they had no items for action today but would have one item for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if the Committee had any questions, hearing none, he thanked her.

Mr. William Caisley Chairman of the Transportation committee had technical problems and so Mr. John McIntyre presented on behalf of the Committee a request to approve a Jurisdictional Transfer for Seminary Street in Downs. Mr. McIntyre went over the proposal. Mr. Soeldner indicated that since the Transportation committee had met the hhave been some questions about these plans. He indicated that Chairman Caisley was going to propose to send it back to Transportation Committee for more discussion.

Motion by Barnett/Metsker to approve the Jurisdictional Transfer for Seminary Street in Downs including the Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement, Resolution and an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Downs.

Mr. Soeldner stated that there is a disagreement on whether they are going to restrict AG traffic and truck traffic through this section in Downs. Mr. McIntyre stated that they do need to agree on this as there is a lot of heavy traffic and truck traffic through this area and they are talking about changes to weight limits. He stated he would like to have all parties sit down and go over this again. Mr. Soeldner stated that he spoke with Mayor and there was not plan to restrict AG traffic but possibility to restrict truck traffic and his concern is that farmers use semi trucks so would that be restricted. Also discussion about round about and that will also cause a problem for AG traffic.

Motion by Soeldner/Gordon to refer this matter back to the Transportation Committee.

Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote: All present voted aye including Chairman McIntyre (Member Caisley had technical difficulty but at the end of the meeting indicated voted in the affirmative)

Mr. Josh Barnett, Chairman of the Property Committee indicated he had no action items for the Committee or for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. George Gordon, Chairman of the Justice Committee presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2020 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for CAC.

Motion by Gordon/Wollrab to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2020 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for CAC.

Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote: All present voted aye including Chairman McIntyre (Member Caisley had technical difficulty but at the end of the meeting indicated voted in the affirmative)

Mr. Gordon presented for action a request to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the County of McLean, the McLean County Sheriff and the Bloomington Normal Airport Authority.

Motion by Gordon/Schafer to recommend approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the County of McLean, the McLean County Sheriff and the Bloomington Normal Airport Authority.

Motion Carried Roll Call Vote: All present voted aye including Chairman McIntyre (Member Caisley had technical difficulty but at the end of the meeting indicated voted in the affirmative)

Mr. Gordon indicated the Justice Committee had no further items for action today and would have items for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked him.

Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator presented for action a request to critical hire requests.

Motion by Soeldner/Gordon to approve the critical hire requests

Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote: All present voted aye including Chairman McIntyre (Member Caisley had technical difficulty but at the end of the meeting indicated voted in the affirmative)

Ms. Rodriguez presented the general employment activity report. Mr. Barnett asked if there was a timeline for replacement of First Assistant State’s Attorney Civil Division. Mr. Knapp indicated that individual had started. Chairman asked if there were any questions, hearing none he thanked her.

Chairman McIntyre asked if they could take the transfer and bills before going to other business. The Committee concurred.

Chairman McIntyre presented a transfer for the BHCC Supervisor for approval. 

Motion by Barnett /Wollrab to recommend approval of the Transfer for BHCC.

Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote: All present voted aye including Chairman McIntyre (Member Caisley technical difficulty was resolved and able to vote verbally)

Chairman McIntyre presented for approval bills in the amount of $444,930.90 for the General Fund, Shared Sales Tax, Veterans Assistance and $5,908.81 for the Regional Planning Fund. Ms. Wollrab stated that she continues to notice that the auditor no longer posts the bills paid on her portion of the website with the last time being September of 2019 and so if she is not going to be doing that then those become included in the minutes of the meeting.

Motion by Schafer/Soeldner to approve payment of the general fund and regional planning fund invoices.

Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote: All present voted aye including Chairman McIntyre

Under Other Business Mr. McIntyre provided a return to meetings in person proposal for the committee to consider that could be brought to the Board for a vote. He proposed return to in- person meetings for the Committee meetings and would leave the County Board meeting as a virtual meeting for now and he went over set up in Room 400 for members, staff and press and department heads that would be presenting at the meetings. He also recommended that everyone wear masks into the building to their seats and out of the building and that we would have cleaning of the elevators and doors would be opened so no one would have to touch the doors. He also stated that there would be hand sanitizer and tables would be wiped down before and after the meeting. He stated that if someone is uncomfortable attending they could attend remotely by call in (would still need to have 4 members present). He suggested to trying for a month and take any suggestions. He stated that he felt necessary to start in person meetings as we have a need to go into closed session and it is not possible to have a semblance of security and privacy guaranteed for those meetings when they are held virtually.

Mr. Soeldner asked if we can require members of the public to wear masks at those meetings. Mr. McIntyre stated that it is sa public building so we do not have the ability to require but would ask for their cooperation. Nothing in state guidelines that says we can require like a private entity. Mr. Gordon stated that he understood that the City of Bloomington offices does require masks. Mr. McIntyre stated that he was not sure that there had been any formal action to require that. Ms. Rodriguez stated that she does not have any information that the City of Bloomington Manager stated that all City of Bloomington Employees have to wear a mask at all times. She stated that she felt they would have told her as it would apply to those employees working in the Government Center and would think that they would want our cooperation to have our employees do the same thing so that the actions are mutual. She stated that she could check with Mr. Gleason. Mr. McIntyre stated that he would hope that all members would be responsible and wear a mask in and out of the building at least. He stated that the other option would be that if someone does not want to wear a mask they can attend remotely. He stated that he hoped everyone could work together on this. Mr. Gordon stated that as Chairman of the Justice Committee he took an informal poll and 6 said they would wear a mask and 1 member said they would probably not wear a mask. Mr. Gordon stated that if there was any legal basis to wear a mask then feel we should require it. Mr. Gordon stated information received from Facebook on percentages of transmitting if you are wearing mask and other person is not so he said wear mask is critical piece of this. Ms. Schafer stated that the Board of Health met in person last week and everyone wore their mask for over two hours and felt biggest challenge was hearing everyone as there are no microphones in that room. Ms. Schafer indicated that she is cautious and felt comfortable during that meeting. She said that she felt the meeting went better and the conversations went better with an in person meeting. She stated that she did not feel they were fully doing their jobs if we can not go into executive session. She said that she would support in-person for committees and virtual for Board. She asked that when General Assembly met they to sign an agreement and rules of what they could do and wear face coverings, etc. and wondered if we could create a rule to do that in our committee meetings. She stated that she felt we need to learn to live with this virus as if they wait until there is a vaccine to have in-person meetings that might never happen and can’t lead that way, so need to find a way to minimize risks.

Mr. McIntyre stated that he was suggesting virtual for full meeting so that there was no question about the numbers in attendance. Mr. Knapp stated that it would be problematic to pass a rule where a member would be expelled from the meeting if they do not follow. He provided history of last time County Board tried to sanction a board member. Mr. McIntyre stated that he would be happy to write it up resolution for full board to vote on. Ms. Wollrab asked Mr. Knapp about making a rule of decorum, so asked why we could not make a rule under rule of decorum to wear masks. Mr. Knapp stated that they could try to put something through that way and then try for sanctions. Mr. McIntyre agreed that a rule about decorum is something that he would support. Ms. Wollrab asked about members of the public and if we get several who want to attend and limit on room. Mr. McIntyre indicated that we would have to limit the number in each room, but could have overflow in additional rooms. Ms. Wollrab asked why virtual meetings does not work for closed session meetings. Mr. Knapp indicated that the County Board rules do not allow for remote attendance during closed session meetings. He stated that also may be something against OMA. He stated that we also have know way of know that the meeting is private. He said there are security concerns about who is on line and who is in a given room. Ms. Wollrab stated that we could change our own rules and encouraged to try to continue to stream these meetings and would like more information about ways that this might be done. Mr. McIntyre stated that we have no way of knowing who is in the room with the person on the other end. Mr. McIntyre stated that he would be happy to talk to all members and get their input and move forward with this. Mr. Barnett stated that he was comfortable with the proposal as it has been proposed as long as we follow social distancing. Mr. Barnett stated that he would be supportive of looking at rules and how to input mask wearing into those decorum rules.

Mr. McIntyre stated that if they want he would try to get the Rules committee together if that is what it would take to get everyone in agreement. Ms. Metsker said she supported having on site meetings for our members and also our constituents to attend. She said she would encourage social distancing and mask wearing. She said that she felt that online meetings do not allow our constituents to participate. Ms. Wollrab said that she noticed for the Justice Committee that there were almost 200 people who viewed the meeting, so to say that people are not attending, she said more are attending this way. She said that she felt she was being discriminated against when we say that she could choose to join remotely by telephone and not be viewed virtually as well. She said that she felt the ones that refuse to wear masks should be the ones that have to join remotely. She asked why we can’t just continue to stream the meetings. She felt we are putting all of the Board at risk. Ms. Metsker stated that she had assumed we would have the meetings online as well as in public and apologized if misunderstood comment. Ms. Wollrab said that she was responding to what the Chair had said that those that did not want to attend could join remotely via telephone. Mr. McIntyre stated that they could look into it. He said that he could prepare a resolution to bring to the Board or try to move forward with an executive concensus. He stated that video in the other room would have to be figured out and we would have to look at the additional cost. He stated that we are already incurring extra cost to do hit this way. Mr. Gordon asked about whether better ventilated rooms are better. Mr. McIntyre asked Ms. Jessica McKnight the Director of the Health Department to comment.

Ms. McKnight stated that right now the understanding that a virius being airporne means it hangs around in the air. She stated that this is so new that we are learning more every day and WHO stated that is nit not air borne in same sense as other air borne virius that could move through HVAC system. She stated that they are seeing more evidence about micro droplets. Close quarters is more concerning than a larger building. Mr. McIntyre asked her to confirm ventilation. She said they are still studing but they are more concerned about it being micro droplets instead of being air borne. She said that we need more evidence to say that it is truly airborne. She said that laerger space where people are wearing masks reduces risk. Ms. Wollrab asked about community spread and where we might have members of the public that might not be wearing masks. Ms. Mcknight stated that community spread is when we have individuals with the virius who do not know where they contracted it. Sor very early on with this virus we have said that anyone that you are interactive could have it, so that is why we are encouraging social distancing and wearing a mask. Social distancing important because droplets not travel more than about 3 or so feel which is why six feet is suggested.

Mr. Gordon stated that members of board fall into most vulnerable demographic. Mr. Gordon stated that they do not go out much and is very conservative regarding this situation and wearing masks is important part of this. He stated that he was not sure what manageable risks means to him and his family. He said that he was not sure he would support inperson meetings even at the committee level. Mr. McIntyre stated that his proposal left options for people to participate. He said that he did not feel they were all going to come to an agreement, but would put something together to talk about at County Board. Mr. McIntyre stated that staff have been here in this office work even through weekends and there are several people in this room distances out and we wear masks in and out of the building and take precautions and he feels comfortable being there. He said that eh would look into in person meetings and present options. He said that if there was an objection next week then fine or if they would like a rules committee he can do that as well.

Ms. Schafer asked for clarification on rules meeting or change versus resolution for decorum. She asked if we could do that resolution without having a rules meeting. Mr. McIntyre indicated that he would has to ask Staff for sure but did not feel it would have to come out of Rules Sub- Committee. Ms. Wollrab asked if the reason want to have in person by next month there something that we have to go into closed session next month because she wanted them to have a Rules committee. Mr. McIntyre indicated that reason is he felt we could conduct business better in person and we do need to have executive session. Ms. Wollrab said that she keeps hearing that we can’t do things but not hearing how we can do things. She said that many members at risk. Mr. McIntyre that argument could be for both ways as to finding ways to have meetings in person.

Mr. McIntyre stated that he would move forward with a resolution, decorum, building open next month, rules committee.

Mr. Caisley asked that the record show that he had voted in the affirmative for all items on the agenda at the meeting. Mr. McIntyre asked him to confirm that he had ben able to witness the meeting on the screen he confirmed. Mr. McIntyre stated that the record would reflect that if there was not objection from the Committee. There was no objection.

Chairman McIntyre asked everyone to stay healthy and safe and adjourned the Executive Committee meeting at 5:54 p.m.




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