
McLean County Times

Monday, February 3, 2025

McLean County Zoning Board of Appeals met May 7

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Catherine Metsker (R) - County Board Chair | McLean County

Catherine Metsker (R) - County Board Chair | McLean County

McLean County Zoning Board of Appeals met May 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER: Chair, James Finnigan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

ROLL CALL: Secretary Philip Dick called the roll and noted the presence of a quorum as follows: James Finnigan, Rick Dean, Ruth Novosad, Brian Bangert, Shirley Deerwester, and alternate members Steve Kerber and Drake Zimmerman. Members Michael Kuritz and Julia Turner were absent. Also present were Darrell Mitchell, Zoning Enforcement Officer, and Taylor Williams, Assistant State's Attorney.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion was made by Dean/Zimmerman to approve minutes from the April 2, 2024, Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. The minutes were approved by voice vote.

APPEARANCE BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: No one came forward to speak on matters not on the agenda.


Case SU-24-04, an application of Cropsey Township in case SU-24-04 on parcel 11-23-426- 021. It is requesting a special use to allow a public park and recreation area in the R-1 Single Family Residence District with a waiver of the paved parking requirement in Cropsey Township at 117 N. Pratt St., Cropsey, IL.

Secretary Dick called the case, provided exhibits to the board, and submitted a staff report for review. He indicated that staff recommends that the proposed application meets all the standards set forth in Article VIII Section 350-56 (Standards for Special Use Permits) of the County Code.

Don Brucker, 1814 N 2300 East Rd., Cropsey, IL appeared to give testimony and was sworn. Mr. Brucker indicated that he had nothing to add to what was presented.

Motion was made by Dean/Deerwester to recommend approval of case SU-24-04.

The roll call vote was seven members for the motion to recommend approval, none opposed, and Members Kuritz and Turner were absent.

Case SU-24-03, an application of Archtop Solar, LLC for Earthrise Energy, in case SU-24-03 on 1,365 acres on the following parcels: 25-25-100-001 - 80 acres, 25-24-300-003 - 40 acres, 25-24-300-004 --- 40 acres, 25-25-100-002 -- 40 acres, 25-24-400-006 - 86 acres, 25-24-300-005 - 97 acres, 25-24-100-001 - 80 acres, 25-24-100-002-80 acres, 25-23-200-001 – 160 acres, 25-13-100-002 - 154 acres, 25-13-200-001 – 100 acres, 25-12-400-002 – 153 acres, 25-13-100- 004 - 134 acres, 25-14-200-004 - 41 acres, & 25-15-200-001 – 80 acres. It is requesting a special use for a Commercial Solar Energy Generating Facility on property located in sections 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24 and 25 in Cheneys Grove Township.

Since the applicant would provide a verbatim transcript of this case, the minutes for this case are not provided.

ADJOURNMENT: The Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 10:07 PM.
