
McLean County Times

Monday, February 3, 2025

McLean County Zoning Board of Appeals met Sept. 3

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Catherine Metsker (R) - County Board Chair | McLean County

Catherine Metsker (R) - County Board Chair | McLean County

McLean County Zoning Board of Appeals met Sept. 3.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:




APPEARANCE BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON NON-AGENDA RELATED TOPICS (An opportunity is provided for members of the public to address the public officials on matters not listed below. Public comment will not exceed 20 minutes. Each member of the public will be allowed 3 minutes of commentary.)

7:00 P.M. - Case SU-24-08, an application Jonathan Shepherd in case SU-24-08 on parcel 28-36- 100-006. He is requesting a special use to allow a single-family residence in the A Agriculture District on land unsuitable for farming on property in Randolph Township immediately east of 1700 East Rd. and ½ mile north of 200 North Rd. (US Rte. 136). This is a recommendation to the County Board.

7:15 P.M. – Case ZA-24-01, an application of the McLean County Land Use and Development Committee in case ZA-24-01. This is a text amendment of the Zoning Ordinance of the Code of McLean County Chapter 350, Zoning Section 350-43. Utility, Major to delete the 200-foot separation requirement from the R-1 Single-Family Residence District and the R-2 Two-Family Residence District to a Major Utility. This is a recommendation to the County Board.

7:30 P.M. - Case SU-24-09, an application of ASD McLean IL Solar V, LLC by PureSky Energy in case SU-24-09 on parcel 02-01-300-011. It is requesting to amend and renew special use case SU-22-07 for a Solar Power Generating Facility in the Agriculture & M-2 General Manufacturing Districts in Gridley Township at 31039 N 2280 East Rd., Gridley, IL. This is a recommendation to the County Board.

7:45 P.M. - Case SU-24-10, an application of ASD McLean IL Solar III, LLC by PureSky Energy in case SU-24-10 on parcels 21-27-351-002, 21-27-352-002, 21-34-100-002 & 21-34-100- 010. It is requesting to amend and renew special use case SU-22-09 for a Solar Power Generating Facility in the Agriculture District in Bloomington Township immediately south of 925 North Rd. approximately 3/5 of a mile east of U.S. Highway 51. This is a recommendation to the County Board.

8:00 P.M. - Case SU-24-11, an application of ASD Old Colonial IL Solar, LLC by PureSky Energy in case SU-24-11 on parcels 21-22-400-019, 21-22-400-021 & 21-23-351-003. It is requesting to amend and renew special use case SU-22-11 for a Solar Power Generating Facility in the Agriculture District in Bloomington Township immediately north of the intersection of Old Colonial Rd. and 1600 East Rd. This is a recommendation to the County Board.


INFORMATION ITEM: The October 25, 2024, meeting of the Illinois Association of County Zoning Officials (IACZO) will include a presentation by the Woodford County State’s Attorney on “What Happens When a County Board Votes Opposite the Recommendation of a ZBA”, and a presentation by the President of the IACZO on “Zoning 101” that will give the basics of zoning in Illinois. Please let me know if you would like to attend and I will send you a link to this seminar.

NEXT MEETING DATE – 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, October 1, 2024

