Michael J. Barr - 1st Ward Aldermen | City of Pontiac
Michael J. Barr - 1st Ward Aldermen | City of Pontiac
City of Pontiac Public Properties & Utilities Committee met Dec. 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Public Properties and Utilities Committee meeting of the Pontiac City Council was held on Tuesday, December 17th, 2024.
Chairman Barr called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm
The City Administrator took roll, and the following members were present: Barr, Bradshaw, Giovanini Kallas and Cranford. Also present were Mayor Alvey, Eckhoff, Parks Director Beckman, Golf Course Manager Shannon Campbell and City Administrator Woolford acted as secretary.
Data Review of Oaks Marketing and Golf Course Activity
Campbell discussed radio marketing, hole sponsorships, PTHS Calendars, punch cards and Jr. clinics. There was discussion on scorecards, voucher effectiveness, outing vouchers for return play and social media usage.
Proposed the Oaks Course Pricing & Strategies
Discussed daily fees for weekdays, noon adjustments being extended further, weekend and holiday rates. Discussion of league golf rates, advertising the Pontiac Special. Some daily rates need adjusting such as weekend noon to 5 being the same as the morning rate. Campbell will be making revisions of some rates and presenting them in January.
Competitive Analysis
Discussion around our rates with area courses shows unique differences between the Oaks and other area courses. Some are 9 holes only. Some are clubs.
On motion duly made by Kallas and seconded by Giovanini, the Public Properties and Utilities Committee was adjourned.